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The War Of The Stars: A New Hope Grindhoused

emphatic said:
the blood is super-bad (in the best way).
I think this gets to an important point that maybe some folks are missing. I see a number of reviews here that say "this piece of music doesn't work" or "this could have been edited better"... I don't want to speak for TMBTM, but I think if you're doing a Grindhouse version of a film, you want it to look as much as possible like it was made by people who are not highly skilled filmmakers with a multi-million dollar budget.

This is why all the deleted/outtake footage works, because it makes the overall production look that much more amateurish and cheap. Every bad edit was another smile across my face, as was every awful, dated music selection. If anything, I think TMBTM could have gotten away with making it even more painful. (Re-dubbing Aunt Beru with a speech impediment would have been a masterstroke.) But the point is that he's taken a wonderful movie and turned it into a wonderfully bad movie.

Now you may not enjoy that sort of thing, and that's fine. But "fixing" those things would diminish the final product considerably, I think. The better it is, the worse it is... and the worse it is, the better it is. Know what I'm saying?

ron2112 said:
So that long section that's in black-and-white (can't remember what part of the film that is off the top of my head)... is it that way on the Puggo, or is that a different source?

The thing is the cantina scene is now made of countless different sources:
- The Puggo grande
- The 2004 DVD
- Some shots of the 1978 Star Wars holidays special.
- A shot from a live video bootleg of Neil Young
- A shot from an official live DVD of Neil Young (the Jawa holding a guitare is in fact a Neil Young's roadie, they were dressed like that on this tour)

- AND...... an old alternate version of the cantina scene only available in black and white and 11 frames per second.

The big task on this scene was to smooth the 11 fps footage to make it look morelike 24 fps. Someone already made that job but did not want me to use his work,
so I had to remake it (I used this guy's "smoothing work" for the two new Luke's scenes though, because, you know, Lucas did not ask his agreement to work on
those scene either... so why should I ask? Anyway)

Maybe 80 % of the cantina scene is taken from this old black and white footages.
As I could not colorize the old footage properly, I simply did what Tarantino did in Death Proof and switched all the other shots to the same black and white.
This is honestly one of the best fanedits I've seen in a long time. I laughed so hard at Obi-Wan's side comment about Mos Eisley, my gut hurt.

There's so much potential in this whole Grind-editing thing. I can already picture a Nazisploitation version of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
TheoOdo said:
This is honestly one of the best fanedits I've seen in a long time. I laughed so hard at Obi-Wan's side comment about Mos Eisley, my gut hurt.
All credits to the Obi Wan comment about Mos Eisley go to the guy who put this little video on youtube.
(I only took the very last line for my edit, so this is an extended version of this scene in a way!)

so I've always wondered if that is sourced from some Alec Guiness film I haven't seen, or just a really good voice over. Anyone know?
i dont know, but my $ is on voiceover :smile:
Ha Ha! I think I would have to agree with the voice over.
TMBTM said:
TheoOdo said:
This is honestly one of the best fanedits I've seen in a long time. I laughed so hard at Obi-Wan's side comment about Mos Eisley, my gut hurt.
All credits to the Obi Wan comment about Mos Eisley go to the guy who put this little video on youtube.
(I only took the very last line for my edit, so this is an extended version of this scene in a way!)


Did he do the voice? Wow.
I haven't watched this in a while. I'm starting to get a hankerin'.
War of the Stars: A New Hope Grindhoused

Reviewed by L8wrtr

A masterpiece of fanediting.

A New Hope Grindhoused stands alone in the vast warehouse of Star Wars fanedits. It is entirely original, consistently surprising, and 100% rewarding.


Audio Quality
The sound was well designed for 2.0. The levels were consistent and I was never forced to turn it up or down. The new musical sources blended well with original audio elements.
10 out of 10

Video Quality
The beauty of this edit is in the thrashing of the quality. An unrefined viewer might complain about grain and scratch effects, but of course, this is one of the driving forces behind the feel of the edit. Looking deeper there is no obvious pixelation, no un-intended quality drop-offs. The integration of the lost/deleted footage is particularly impressive given the quality of the original source.Top notch.
10 out of 10

Visual Edits
As a person who has the ANH permanently etched in memory, every new shot, every new angle popped, and the manner in which this was all combined is truly impressive, mixing and matching so many sources so that it feels intentional and by design. There were perhaps 2 cuts that felt hard where the transition from totally original sequences (Cantina for instance) back to the more traditional footage. The transition was so abrupt it was like waking from a really wonderful dream. These were far and few between.
9 out of 10

Overall Entertainment
For me, the best term to describe this edit is; Relentlessly original. This fanedit injected a sense of joy into a movie that I have seen easily over a hundred times, there was a sense of newness that never expected to feel in a Star Wars film again
At the conclusion of every sequence I found myself thinking "Well, that was a good run, but really, from here on out there is NOTHING else that can be done to make this feel as new or fresh as what I just saw" And each time I was wrong. The Man Behind The Mask delivers originality throughout the entire film.
10 out of 10.

Overall Score: 10 out of 10




Just watched this last night and it is the most FUN I have had in a long time! My wife said I had a crazy goofy grin on my face through the whole thing. :smile:

When it was over, it left me wanting for more!
More Blood!!! More Jive Talking Darth! More R2D2 Zinger Subtitles! More, more MORE!!!

AUDIO: Hilarious and awesome! I notice no significant issues. 9/10
VIDEO: Absolutely horrible! I loved it!!!! 9/10
VISUAL: Did I mention, MORE BLOOD please! 9/10
ENTERTAINMENT: Oh yeah baby, it was good time! 10/10

Grindhouse edits may not be to everyone's taste, but I LOVED this! It was just silly fun.
It took a movie I have seen a zillion times, and made it fresh, funny and entertaining again!

Favorite scenes.....
The new twist ending of Darth's use of the dark side on Luke,
the new RED EYE effects whenever Darth uses the force (totally inspired!!!)
and most of all,
R2D2's comment about Obiwan not remembering him.... I nearly fell out of my seat from laughing so hard!

THANK YOU for such an entertaining experience! :)
Got to agree with everyone here, this is a masterpiece and TMBTM is a genius, I have just given this a 10 vote as its
probably the best edit I have seen in quite a while, and fitting in a scene from the fan film Troops with the jawas was
absolutely hilarious. Loved every second of it look forward to your next project.
Thank you bionicbob and Searcher! :)
Thanks to "Bar Carlo" at Portland who did a screening of TWOTS some days ago.

wow, how cool is that, congrats TMBTM your edit really deserves all the attention it gets
I've been saving this FanEdit for a special occasion, and I'm currently trying to host a small (invitation only) film festival in a local cinema in my home town. This will be featured. More info when it's truly happening.
Sounds cool! :)
You know, I had grown tired of Star Wars. In the last ten years or so, I've tried rewatching the OT a couple of times and just turned them off because I was bored, I had seen it enough. You know?

I read about the War of the Stars, it looks like fun. I read that first review, and I think: Oh. So it's just another shit thing by yet another amateur. Luckily, I did look at the later positive reviews and decided to get it.

And I'm so happy I did. I had such fun for 90 minutes. You made my life quite a lot brighter. Thank you so much.
Glad you liked it, Cactus. :)
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