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You know you're a fan editor when . . .

Yay, 5 of my cover arts on the shelf! I'm honoured.

Holy crap, I see one of my edits there...now I'm jealous. ;)
Neglify said:
^Funny, but I don't know if that's really a sign of being a faneditor. More a sign of having awesome taste in movies.

Heh. :) Fair enough. But I had never even heard of The Room before this forum.
Vultural said:
Tom, I use paper sleeves. Takes up a hell of a lot less space.

Or are you running out of room in the cases holding countless sleeved discs?

I appreciate the thought, but a bunch of sleeved discs would be impossible for me to keep track of and sort through.

Anything that isn't in a case already just goes on a spindle of discs. Those are also nearly impossible to keep track of, but they take up less space than a box would.

Again, I appreciate the thought! My problem isn't really a major one, just one that I noticed and thought, "I would probably never be asking myself these questions if I weren't so into fan edits." :)
thecuddlyninja said:
But then I couldn't look at this every day:



I want to come to your house everyday and look at that. Or maybe I should just save the picture and look at over and over.

Nah, the first one's easier. ;)
I used to print covers and put edits in amaray/bluray cases, but I just ran out of room. Now, 95% of them go in paper sleeves in a storage box I have. My edits, and a few random ones that have replaced the official version for me are in printed amaray/bluray cases.
TomH1138 said:

I want to come to your house everyday and look at that. Or maybe I should just save the picture and look at over and over.

Nah, the first one's easier. ;)

The rest of my fanedits are down in the basement next to the tortur-- the exercise equipment. I'll show you.

ThrowgnCpr said:
I used to print covers and put edits in amaray/bluray cases, but I just ran out of room. Now, 95% of them go in paper sleeves in a storage box I have. My edits, and a few random ones that have replaced the official version for me are in printed amaray/bluray cases.

That's way more economical space-wise. But for me, my memory really sucks so if I did that I would never remember what I have. I don't keep multiple shelves displaying edits and blu-rays because they look cool (I mean, not JUST because of that) but more so I can just walk over and scan everything to see what I want to watch. I'd never remember what I had (except for specific great ones, obviously) without the visual cue, honestly.

It's funny, I just snapped a crappy, dark picture to make a little joke but I'm surprised at all the responses. I think I'll start a new thread for people to share their display setups; I nerd out for stuff like that (and it appears I'm not the only one!)
Along this tangent: I have a shit-ton of empty DVD Amaray cases that I would love to be rid of. If any faneditor is interested in bunch, I'll glady ship them to you if you cover shipping.
C'mon guys, you're going to make me sound like one of those perky infomercial girls selling space saving storage units.
I'm talking about saving serious space here, and taking control of your clutter.
Walnut or cherry shelves are all very nice, but they can set you back thousands of dollars.
Meanwhile, your walls swell with your Troma collection, Hammer films, hundreds of Star Wars fanedits.
Then, one night when you manage to convince Scarlett Johannson to check out your deluxe bachelor pad,
what do you think scampers around in her mind when she sees a wall of your DVDs.
Yep - a guy with an outta control collecting addiction.
Before you can remind her you own a rotating, bouncing Bronco Bed, you are dumped quicker than a wet biscuit.
And don't think she won't tell every single female on the entire planet.
No sir, you're back to video girlfriends and Kleenex.
Save yourself from collective shunning!
Get your DVDs sleeved, boxed and stashed in the closet!


Keep track of your vast collection with Notepad or get some fancy organizing software.
Sort by genre - or in order of purchase - or by colour (the 3 year old's method) - or by actor.
Anyway, sleeves and plastic storage.
Save space!
That's what I'm talking about!
^ Pretty sure ScarJo is leaving when she sees the Facehugger plushie, Mad Max face grill, replica Tesseract or Kia Soul hamster car out front LONG before she gets to judging me for my little fanedit shelf. :)
I think another reason why I like having them in the cases for the actual movies is that if I lend a movie to my kids or to some friends, the edits will be ready to go for those people if they decide to give them a chance. If the edits are buried somewhere, no one is ever going to give them a try without heavy prodding on my part that will more likely just turn them off.

I like other people's way of handling the situation, too, but I think that explains why I do it the way I do.
Vultural said:
C'mon guys, you're going to make me sound like one of those perky infomercial girls selling space saving storage units
... [Long hilarious part removed for space] ...
That's what I'm talking about!

That whole post was hilarious. Thank you.
So I already mentioned something like this in the first post, but further proof that you're a fan editor (or at least interested in fan edits) is when you buy movies you don't like so you can see the edits.

I just picked up Spider-Man 2 at a garage sale for $1 even though I don't like the movie, just so I can finally see some of the fan edits.  :D There's some good raw material there that can probably be fashioned into something amazing.
You know you love watching fanedits when... you hear all of these jokes on the internet about Vader saying, "NOOOO!!!" and you have no idea what they are talking about.
You know you're a faneditor when you actively start taking notes on cuts in cinemas.
You know you're a faneditor when you're listening to a podcast, the host says something smart and the co-host says "look at the big brain on Brad," and you immediately go to your task list and add "check to make sure I used this joke in the Jedi council scene."

Literally happened to me this morning.
When you collect film footage like my coworker Ken collects pokemon...
TVs Frink said:
You know you're a faneditor when you're listening to a podcast, the host says something smart and the co-host says "look at the big brain on Brad," and you immediately go to your task list and add "check to make sure I used this joke in the Jedi council scene."

Literally happened to me this morning.

Please tell me this is Brad.
Ah dammit that's a great joke!  I had Mace just cutting him off with the "I don't remember asking you anything" line but that's so much better.  Please repost in the ITW thread.
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