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Star trek: Into darkness fan edit

Uncanny Antman said:
Seeing as no one else mentioned it, there's a few more spelling errors in the test opening other than Roddenberry.  (Just mentioning in case you haven't revisisted it yet.)

It should be Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Anton Yelchin, Nazneen Contractor, Jonathan Dixon, Jeremy Raymond, Beau Billingsley, Jeffrey Chernov, Cliff Eidelman, Roberto Orci, and Michelle Rejwan.   ...and Kimberly Arland was actually credited as Kimberly Broumand in Into Darkness.

Those are some deep-dive acting credits for an opening.  ;)

Well then thank you for pointing those errors out for me lol, I would've never noticed those on my own despite watching the edit a bajillion times ha ha. I will work on that as soon as possible, in the meanwhile I've uploaded the edit and it is now ready for viewing. PM me for a link if you wish to see/give feedback :)
ironman23 said:
I think just having him as one of khan's crew members (since this is an alternate reality and Khan would still be frozen) would be fine.

I think that would be the best approach. I wonder if there's a way to change the line "My name is Khan!" to "His name is Khan!", and make it sound as if Harrison is talking about his frozen leader, rather than himself?

Also, it might be a good idea to try to remove Kirk's death and the healing blood subplot. I'm not sure if that's possible, though.
hbenthow said:
ironman23 said:
I think just having him as one of khan's crew members (since this is an alternate reality and Khan would still be frozen) would be fine.

I think that would be the best approach. I wonder if there's a way to change the line "My name is Khan!" to "His name is Khan!", and make it sound as if Harrison is talking about his frozen leader, rather than himself?

Also, it might be a good idea to try to remove Kirk's death and the healing blood subplot. I'm not sure if that's possible, though.

As amazingly awesome as that would be to hear, even if someone could pull it off for me (I don't have the skills to do so), I think it would still alienate the non trek audience since they still don't know who khan is w/o having any prior knowledge of the earlier material. But that is a good idea pitch nonetheless :)

As for removing that certain subplot, well for fear of revealing spoilers for this edit I won't say what I did on here, but if you would like I could send a link to v1 of the full cut for previewing
I've previewed your version. I don't have many suggestions, other than that, to my eyes, the current visuals look off somehow (too drab, and of much lower overall picture quality than the DVD), and that
I feel that leaving Kirk dead at the end isn't a very good idea. It is an unsatisfyingying (IMO) ending, as his death in this movie was never very poignant to begin with, and the resolution in this draft of your edit feels very abrupt. Also, it feels weird to leave him dead when there's not a "Search for Kirk" movie afterwards to explain why he's alive again in "Star Trek Beyond". Plus, it makes the movie feel even more like a "Wrath of Khan" ripoff.
Thank you for taking the time to view and leave your thoughts mate :) yes, i tried to remove noise and pixellation which does give a blurred look to the picture, so I won't do it again.

Also for said spoiler as you mentioned, I can easily see where you're coming from and will address accordingly. First, this is intended to be a one off edit in its own right, more of fixing this film without focusing on future continuity. And secondly, I believe having this ending would give it an emotional punch that would resonate with the title and over all darker theme of the film, and would be taking a less cliched/formulaic ending than the original.

Again, thank you for being honest and taking the time for this :)
ironman23 said:
yes, i tried to remove noise and pixellation which does give a blurred look to the picture, so I won't do it again.

Why is there pixelation to begin with?  I haven't been following the thread closely, but it sounds like you might need to re-rip your source.
TVs Frink said:
ironman23 said:
yes, i tried to remove noise and pixellation which does give a blurred look to the picture, so I won't do it again.

Why is there pixelation to begin with?  I haven't been following the thread closely, but it sounds like you might need to re-rip your source.

Most likely, as I want the picture to be nice and crisp (as it should obviously be). As for why it's there, I'm not the biggest expert on the subject except for knowing that compression of noise/grain creates artifacts
hbenthow said:
I've previewed your version. I don't have many suggestions, other than that, to my eyes, the current visuals look off somehow (too drab, and of much lower overall picture quality than the DVD), and that....

I'm just now watching through the preview file. I think some of the drab is an over removal of blue and red? Skies are a bit too grey, blues are muted to grey tones, and flesh tones are somewhat washed out or too yellow based on lighting.

BOOGER, I did a quote of your post and the spoiler line showed up as text and gave away the ending. So much for going into this one blind  :rolleyes:

Feedback found in spoiler section
I wasn't quite sure what the cutlist of this movie is so I mostly focused on visuals and musical editing and if anything stood out to me as being tampered with. Here's what I saw & heard:

  • Color: The color grading seems a bit off throughout the edit. The color palette reminds me of Man of Steel; heavily muted blues, washed out fleshtones possibly due to an over removal of red tones. The yellows on Kronos also seemed very yellow, as did the fire/volcano on Nibiru. I did some google searches of Chris Pine and it looks like his skin is a bit more pink. The bar scene also had very yellow skin, perhaps more so than the bar lamps would cause?
  • The new title credits: The new logo reveal looks pretty good. Perhaps have the text and roman numerals fade at the same time though? There is a noticeable stutter to the star field animation when I watched. Were these taken from ST VI or custom rendered? The stars that fly by up close seemed a bit too large and fuzzy to me. Is the animation 1080p or upscaled?
    I was thinking that you could have the space field fly into the SS Botany Bay in space and have it explode which you could then dissolve into the fiery reveal into Niribu. 
  • Khan: I like that you don't have Kahn say that he is Kahn. The viewer may be frustrated, but it makes his character a mystery throughout. I had the thought though of having him say "My name is Joachim" (Khan's second in command from the Wrath of Khan and considered the brightest of Khan's group according to wikipedia :cool: ).  You'd need someone to mimic Cumberbatch's voice, but it could be done.
    Scenes where you take out Khan's name seem to cut abruptly, eg when Kirk talks with Marcus when the Vengeance arrives.
  • Old Spock: I missed seeing Old Spock. I know people don't like the scene, but I thought it was valid. This is younger Spock, who is not as experienced and still very conflicted with his half vulcan half human self. He relinquished his command of the enterprise in the first reboot which implies that he isn't exactly sure of himself. Old Spock inspiring him to take the actions he did makes total sense to me. This also could instill the needed confidence and ingenuity in Spock to take us beyond this recurring theme of him consulting with Spock.
  • Ending: The music at Kirks death doesn't really work for me. The fade out and following scenes are in direct conflict with the newest movie. I was a bit jarred when the The Next Generation intro credits faded in. They look dated and seem out of place compared to Abram's cg planets to me. I found the star field fade to the ending credits a bit jarring musically along with the transition back to the OST later on during the credits. Cliff Eidelman's score just doesn't seem right to me, especially after the melancholy song from TNG "The Inner Light" (my favorite episode by the way).

    I'm not sure of the cut list for this edit, but the above points were the only things that really stood out to me. Your color correction seems very close and I look forward to viewing a more realistically colored cut of this film :)
DigModiFicaTion said:
hbenthow said:
I've previewed your version. I don't have many suggestions, other than that, to my eyes, the current visuals look off somehow (too drab, and of much lower overall picture quality than the DVD), and that....

I'm just now watching through the preview file. I think some of the drab is an over removal of blue and red? Skies are a bit too grey, blues are muted to grey tones, and flesh tones are somewhat washed out or too yellow based on lighting.

BOOGER, I did a quote of your post and the spoiler line showed up as text and gave away the ending. So much for going into this one blind  :rolleyes:

Feedback found in spoiler section
I wasn't quite sure what the cutlist of this movie is so I mostly focused on visuals and musical editing and if anything stood out to me as being tampered with. Here's what I saw & heard:

  • Color: The color grading seems a bit off throughout the edit. The color palette reminds me of Man of Steel; heavily muted blues, washed out fleshtones possibly due to an over removal of red tones. The yellows on Kronos also seemed very yellow, as did the fire/volcano on Nibiru. I did some google searches of Chris Pine and it looks like his skin is a bit more pink. The bar scene also had very yellow skin, perhaps more so than the bar lamps would cause?
  • The new title credits: The new logo reveal looks pretty good. Perhaps have the text and roman numerals fade at the same time though? There is a noticeable stutter to the star field animation when I watched. Were these taken from ST VI or custom rendered? The stars that fly by up close seemed a bit too large and fuzzy to me. Is the animation 1080p or upscaled?
    I was thinking that you could have the space field fly into the SS Botany Bay in space and have it explode which you could then dissolve into the fiery reveal into Niribu. 
  • Khan: I like that you don't have Kahn say that he is Kahn. The viewer may be frustrated, but it makes his character a mystery throughout. I had the thought though of having him say "My name is Joachim" (Khan's second in command from the Wrath of Khan and considered the brightest of Khan's group according to wikipedia :cool: ).  You'd need someone to mimic Cumberbatch's voice, but it could be done.
    Scenes where you take out Khan's name seem to cut abruptly, eg when Kirk talks with Marcus when the Vengeance arrives.
  • Old Spock: I missed seeing Old Spock. I know people don't like the scene, but I thought it was valid. This is younger Spock, who is not as experienced and still very conflicted with his half vulcan half human self. He relinquished his command of the enterprise in the first reboot which implies that he isn't exactly sure of himself. Old Spock inspiring him to take the actions he did makes total sense to me. This also could instill the needed confidence and ingenuity in Spock to take us beyond this recurring theme of him consulting with Spock.
  • Ending: The music at Kirks death doesn't really work for me. The fade out and following scenes are in direct conflict with the newest movie. I was a bit jarred when the The Next Generation intro credits faded in. They look dated and seem out of place compared to Abram's cg planets to me. I found the star field fade to the ending credits a bit jarring musically along with the transition back to the OST later on during the credits. Cliff Eidelman's score just doesn't seem right to me, especially after the melancholy song from TNG "The Inner Light" (my favorite episode by the way).

    I'm not sure of the cut list for this edit, but the above points were the only things that really stood out to me. Your color correction seems very close and I look forward to viewing a more realistically colored cut of this film :)

Thank you for taking the time to view this and for being honest in your review! :) What you pointed out were the elements I was most concerned about and now I know what to focus on. I will get a new source for the starfield opening credits to fix said jitterness, trust me I noticed it each time the render exported ha ha. Cuts to Khan's naming will be smoothed out and more shot coverage applied to hopefully help with that.
Kirk's death is really meant to solidify this edit as something unique and different, but now that you mention it I may flirt around with keeping him alive and only injured at the end (no stupid super blood mcguffin).

This is the hardest edit I've done and may take awhile to complete, but with you and other's who are previewing it really help me in way's I can't express, so again many thanks!
ironman23 said:
Thank you for taking the time to view this and for being honest in your review! :) What you pointed out were the elements I was most concerned about and now I know what to focus on. I will get a new source for the starfield opening credits to fix said jitterness, trust me I noticed it each time the render exported ha ha. Cuts to Khan's naming will be smoothed out and more shot coverage applied to hopefully help with that.

This is the hardest edit I've done and may take awhile to complete, but with you and other's who are previewing it really help me in way's I can't express, so again many thanks!

No problem ironman23, you've done the same for me :)

ironman23 said:
Kirk's death is really meant to solidify this edit as something unique and different, but now that you mention it I may flirt around with keeping him alive and only injured at the end (no stupid super blood mcguffin).

Perhaps a short post credits scene?
@"DigModiFicaTion" perhaps that would work, have Kirk be rendered unconscious by the reactor after he kicks it into place, cut to a more lightened montage where Harrison is placed in his frozen cell and the enterprise is rechristened for her new adventures. The audience is forced to wait through the end credits to see that indeed our hero is alive and well.
I apologize for the minimal updates here, college and a new relationship definitely have marked there respective territories on my life ha ha. But, I am working on a new ending right now, hunting down soundtracks and various coverage shots to hopefully make it all work.

So thanks again for the support and backing in this great community!
Alright, after much frustration with re ordering, re cutting and such with what I already have to to work with, I have decided to start completely over from scratch to get the best results. After several members came back with there thoughts/opinions (of which I am very grateful for) this seems to be the best route to take.

So, here is a semi-new cut list, revised from the original draft. A quick note though- Khan will still be present in the film, name and all. I do not have the skills needed to achieve such a desire, so I am sorry.

-Brand new coloring that broadens the color spectrum without over saturating or under saturating (going the way of MoS)
-New opening that slowly and calmly brings us back into this world, via the Starfleet officer visiting his sick daughter/meeting Khan
-Remove as much of Kirk being pompous and arrogant as possible. He is after all supposed to grow, not stay the same
-As before, Uhura is a stronger female character by her NOT whining over her bf Spock.
-New ending that is less formulaic/cliche, meaning no San Francisco chase or rip off Enterprise crew ending from the '09 film

Clips and more details will come in the future, thank you again for ya'lls patience :)
Finally, good progress is being made since I no longer have to worry about impossible tasks such as, again, remove "khan" from many many areas, and the next draft will be exported soon :) In the meantime, here are two clips showcasing color correction and various trims, as well as the new title card. Enjoy and please feel free to leave feedback!

The grade looks good.

00.56 - Since you removed the alarm-clock soundfx, the hit on the clock just sounds like an audio glitch. We never see the hand hit the clock, so now it's just a random sound we hear while the music is playing and the screen is black.

03.10 - The music switch after Khan's face is very abrupt. You could easily just let that Khan piece of music play out fully into silence (It's a piece called "London Calling". The film audio is no good as The Beastie Boys loudly interrupt the fade out. You'll have to mix in the CD soundtrack) and not bring in the Niburu music at all, since it ends anyway by 03.17. Add in some of your own Volcano/ash cloud soundFX over the join and bingo you've got a seamless audio transition.
TM2YC said:
The grade looks good.

00.56 - Since you removed the alarm-clock soundfx, the hit on the clock just sounds like an audio glitch. We never see the hand hit the clock, so now it's just a random sound we hear while the music is playing and the screen is black.

03.10 - The music switch after Khan's face is very abrupt. You could easily just let that Khan piece of music play out fully into silence (It's a piece called "London Calling". The film audio is no good as The Beastie Boys loudly interrupt the fade out. You'll have to mix in the CD soundtrack) and not bring in the Niburu music at all, since it ends anyway by 03.17. Add in some of your own Volcano/ash cloud soundFX over the join and bingo you've got a seamless audio transition.

Thank you, the grade honestly took many passes to spread out the bothersome color spectrum, so I'm glad it works :)

Yea, something always did feel off no matter how many times it played for me in testing, so I'll be sure to take your suggestions and use them, finding that music piece shouldn't be a massive hunt. Again, thanks for the feedback much appreciated!
Hmmm, I'm not quite sure where the intro scene is going. It seems like it is from another movie almost. It has Harrison, but we don't even see him again for quite some time. I had the same reaction to the original cut when this scene came on, but it was grounded by the opening which established our lead characters. I'm not sure this new switch works for me personally.

The color grading looks good though:)
ironman23 said:
finding that music piece shouldn't be a massive hunt.

The music playing over Khan's face is the very end of this...

Thank you, @TM2YC for the soundtrack/feedback, as well as @DigModiFication for your feedback/comments as well :) I've gone back multiple times (since internet was out for a bit) and there was an unmistakable jump from Khan's closeup.

So as suggested I used a few different wind/volcanic sfx to help smooth out the transition on top of the soundtrack. Also there were a few more tweaks, sfx added (one easter egg for the background) to the fixed opening below-

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