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Star trek: Into darkness fan edit

Yep, should've done that to begin with  :p oh well, lesson learned
Alright then, for real this time I have here not one, but two new clips fresh out of Adobe for all to see :D A sneak peak at the new ending (as said before) and a trimmed Khan interrogation scene removing dialogue snippets that should make the scene feel a bit less obvious and more natural :)

If you use the video insert you can embed the videos so we can watch them in the forum ;)

Just watched the videos. Very smooth editing. I especially like the new ending you've made. I'm assuming you removed the vengeance crashing and the chase?

The only request on would have is to cut to a repurposed shot of Kirk and Spock when Harrison's line ".....hold dear" in order to remove the over the top acting by Cumberbatch and that forced tear drop.
DigModiFicaTion said:
If you use the video insert you can embed the videos so we can watch them in the forum ;)

Done, for our viewing convenience.

I'm not sure about the cut from Kirk falling in the warp-core, straight to waking up. It's technically fine but feels abrupt and rushed. I'd also be very sad to loose the sequence of the Enterprise rising from the clouds backed by Giacchino's beautiful score (It's one of the highlights of STID for me).

How about... Cut from Enterprise rising from clouds, to new establishing shot of Starfleet/cityscape, to Kirk in bed. With the music carried across all three. Maybe loose Kirk's sudden intake of breath, so e is coming round less abruptly.
I think that would be the wise thing to do ha ha, thanks for pointing out and for the feedback as always  ;) Yes indeed, I felt the san Francisco Vengeance chase and the whole "Wrath of Khan" death was really unnecessary fan service in the long run since they reverse that big decision like a few minutes later. 

Not to mention it's really just a filler action scene for me, when the whole film is already a rollercoaster ride, it felt tiring and repetitive . 

As for removing that one line from Khan, I might just do so thanks for pointing it out  :) Same for having the Enterprise rising up from the clouds/new establishing shot, I'll definitely try that out
I hope you don't mind but I had a go at playing around with that clouds-to-kirk idea (Password to all: fanedit.org).

First is my attempt at the inserted cityscape I suggested...

It feels a little awkward but maybe it needs a better establishing shot. Next is just a crossfade into Kirk waking up which is simpler and better I think...

However, I always think if you can do a well executed hardcut, it's so much more elegant than a crossfade. Here is my favourite with the hardcut to Kirk timed with the music (A few frames of the Enterprise are deleted to achieve this)...

FYI: To do all 3 versions, I had to loop up 30 frames of Kirks face and play it back forward/reverse/forward, so there is enough footage before he fully opens his eyes. Then I added a slow zoom out.

Adding some isolated Enterprise engine noise across the transitions of all 3 would improve them, but I couldn't be bothered :D .
Very well done on all three :) haha, I hadn't noticed this until now so I had just did my second attempt with the cityscape shot you had suggested, which I had taken from the shuttle takeoff earlier. I had to flip and crop the shot to remove the actual shuttle (no vfx skills) just so I could have a whopping 5 seconds of video letting the soundtrack play out. Not as good as yours, but hopefully a passable attempt at least :p

i actually prefer @"ironman23"'s original hard cut. Perhaps adding a reverbed and echoed sound of the crew talking about breaking up in the atmosphere and engine strains during the blackout would be good. ill make a mock up later. i think that would add some tension, making the hard cut an even stronger resolution.


After rewatching your original clip with higher volumes, I absolutely love what your direction was for that black out moment. Might I suggest removing his father's "I love you" and making Pike's whole statement audible. The sound effects sound incredible, but I'd like to hear Pike say his full line "you know your father was a captain of a starship for 12 minutes" and perhaps have your echo reverb thing happen, then have the louder "I dare you to do better" like you do, but with the addition of a fade in swoosh type sound. I'd also think about adding some echo to the last line to not have it be such an abrupt audio cut. I wouldn't make it sustain into the scene, just a pinch to add sustain and smoothness. I vote for your original direction :)
I agree with Dig. First version is much better - we stay with Kirk. By going back to everyone else on the bridge and seeing the Enterprise rise up it creates the expectation of a lot more happening... and then it just cuts to Kirk waking up - huh?
The blackout VO is powerful, and excellently executed.
Wow, democracy at work here haha, and based on said democracy as of now I will keep the original ending, which I agree is more powerful :) granted @"TM2YC" did a great job providing an alternative and I will miss that score accompanying the Enteriprise's power reboot, but I feel the first is more powerful IMO. Thank you to everyone though who pitched in with ideas (again especially @"TM2YC" ), now hold on tight because the edit is now 98% precent done, just one last regrade, quality control and then ready for previewing and/or release  ;)
Two high quality Into Darkness edits, both executing different ideas and styles coming out at almost the same time!
SkywalkerFan01 said:
Two high quality Into Darkness edits, both executing different ideas and styles coming out at almost the same time!

Almost is correct haha, tomorrow I'll do my last preview before handing it off to others for their input, then I'll need a cover for the silly thing ;)

DigModiFicaTion said:
Count me in for a preview :)

Great! I'll be more than glad to P.M. it to ya the second it comes out of assembly ;)
Apologies for the long wait on a preview file, always takes a lot to get it uploaded, let alone in good quality (gonna have to revise export settings since macroblocking pops up each time.) So I'll let those who want to preview the imperfect file, get feedback and work on something that's worthy of quality material  :-/
While I know it's not a real trailer, it is a little something I hope will get people excited for the edit which is coming very very soon, I promise ;)

^ Very nice indeed!

If I had to be picky (and it's difficult to tell past the youtube compression) it seems like the shadows are glowing a touch red in some shots.

By the way, you can embed videos in forum posts. Just use the blue "film-strip" button (I've embed that one for you).
TM2YC said:
If I had to be picky (and it's difficult to tell past the youtube compression) it seems like the shadows are glowing a touch red in some shots.

The red shift was very apparent. I would back it off slightly, especially in the lows. Overall though, not bad.
TM2YC said:
By the way, you can embed videos in forum posts. Just use the blue "film-strip" button (I've embed that one for you).

Haha, always wondered what it was there for :D thank you for the kind words, feedback and for pointing that out!

ThrowgnCpr said:
The red shift was very apparent. I would back it off slightly, especially in the lows. Overall though, not bad.

No problem, I can see the reds starting to bleed myself, easy fix thankfully.
Latest changes in the project are aimed at the Klingons in there limited screentime, via new subtitles and trims. The goal here is to have them show more honor when confronting Uhura by Not choking her and pulling a blade on her, so now the gunfight starts once Khan shows up and sends everyone into a frenzy.

Interesting. I actually thought Abrams' Klingons were completely in line with the original series Klingons.
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