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Star trek: Into darkness fan edit

ironman23 said:

It's sounding much better now! I totally forgot to suggest you cutting the alarm clock shot, so glad you did it anyway ;) . I still think a few tweaks can be made though...

- Maybe add a new dog bark at 00.57 so it's seems like that is what has woken them up now?
- The fade up works very well but is it needed? I try to avoid them with my fanedits. A well executed hard cut is so much slicker IMO
- There is a portion between about 01.00 and 01.07 that seems quiet to me. Is this where music is faded down/up or something?
- The new volcano soundfx are well chosen (The low bass rubble is great) but the "rustling" sound is slightly too loud and fades out too quickly I think. I'd mix them lower and bring in some extra howling wind type sounds

I didn't notice the VisFX change wherever it was, so it must be good and/or subtle.
Glad to see I have a working opening sequence :D but mainly it was people like you who gave me the feedback I needed to clean it up.

@"DigModiFicaTion" I can see where your coming from on the order change, as personally I had the same reaction on first viewing. But as time passed I appreciated it for being a quiet break to settle us in this film's story, via little dialogue and somber music. So, I wanted to give this film a change of pace from it's predecessor and have said scene ease the audience in and save the action for later on.
Still, as always comments such as this are very welcome and help keep an editor on track ;)

As soon as things cool down (personal life) I should have more test clips showcasing the ending for example, as well as screenshots showing a good comparison between the dull theatrical coloring and my, well colored balanced edit lol.

P.S. apologies for the confusion @"TM2YC" with the terms Vfx and Sfx. Not having the know how for such an area, I did throw in sound fx lifted from the TNG's enterprise D bridge, for extra background life in the hospital opening.
Alright, finally everything is where it should be and the edit is about 87% done :) just a few more tweaks and additions that are being run through my head until it's ready for another preview. In the meantime, below I have 2 new clips showing Kirk's demotion as well as the bar scene w/pike along with harrison's attack, showcasing a lot less tension between Kirk/Spock and Kirk/Pike (him being more in control without yelling).

Hopefully this time 'round we'll see a much more mature character that defends his actions without ever coming across as brash or angsty.
The first clip looks and sounds seemless to me.

The second clip has just a couple of spots that stood out.

When there is a very quick cut to a short close-up of Pike saying "You're gonna be my first Officer". I know that cut is quick in the original scene but then it was cutting from a close shot of Kirk, quick cut to Pike and back to Kirk. You are cutting from a medium shot of Pike, to a quick closeup of Pike. It just feels weird to me somehow. Probably because you are combining a rapid cutaway, with a long medium shot that doesn't quite match 100%. Instead you could have the "You're gonna be..." line play over the second closeup of Kirk, with no quick cut of Pike?

...and at 02.14 where the music is fading down and we can't properly hear what Kirk is saying. Either the music needs to lower, Kirk needs to be louder, or what about changing the music so it's a quieter less bombastic piece to transition the two scenes?

On an unrelated note, I noticed this video on your YuTube channel while I was checking those two out...

Nice work! I'm looking forward to this movie and it's good know somebody is on hand to fix things if the theatrical release looks all green.
TM2YC said:
When there is a very quick cut to a short close-up of Pike saying "You're gonna be my first Officer". I know that cut is quick in the original scene but then it was cutting from a close shot of Kirk, quick cut to Pike and back to Kirk. You are cutting from a medium shot of Pike, to a quick closeup of Pike. It just feels weird to me somehow. Probably because you are combining a rapid cutaway, with a long medium shot that doesn't quite match 100%. Instead you could have the "You're gonna be..." line play over the second closeup of Kirk, with no quick cut of Pike?

...and at 02.14 where the music is fading down and we can't properly hear what Kirk is saying. Either the music needs to lower, Kirk needs to be louder, or what about changing the music so it's a quieter less bombastic piece to transition the two scenes?

Ahh ok ok that could work, and with the volume level thing I could also just try out having background sound effects without any music transition, since the original doesnt play out for very long, I gotcha, thanks I'll be sure to give it a go!

TM2YC said:
On an unrelated note, I noticed this video on your YuTube channel while I was checking those two out...

Nice work! I'm looking forward to this movie and it's good know somebody is on hand to fix things if the theatrical release looks all green.

Wow, I really appreciate that :D tbh I didnt do a whole lot to remove that cliche color tint we've seen only a billion times in every other film. And absolutely, in fact back in high school I was nicknamed "the color god" so.
ironman23 said:
I was nicknamed "the color god" so.

easy there fella, you have a ways to go before you reach deity status  :p
ThrowgnCpr said:
ironman23 said:
I was nicknamed "the color god" so.

easy there fella, you have a ways to go before you reach deity status  :p

Yup haha, I can see I'm becoming what I have set out to destroy :D

Now with college back under control and my head back in the game, I've finally completed a satisfactory edit that's now undergoing exporting and one last inspection :) 

-Afterwards, if it passes my inspection, I will hand it off to those who are willing to view it and give there thoughts for improvement

-Cover art is still needed (p.s. no rush to anyone who plans to or already is working on it, I'll gladly hold off her maiden voyage until then ;) )

-The change list will be documented and ready for release (I'll mark them all down as I inspect)

And that about covers it :) Thank you, and I mean a really big thank you to this wonderful community who has pitched in one way or another, you never cease to amaze me and I wouldn't be here without you all.
ironman23 said:
Now with college back under control and my head back in the game, I've finally completed a satisfactory edit that's now undergoing exporting and one last inspection :) 

While that is underway, I have some comparisons with a slightly revised re grade (on the top) with the original Blu Ray (on bottom) for each screenshot ;)






the city shot looks nice, but careful of skintones. Cumberbunch looks like he's about to be seasick.
I like that your regrade gets rid of the orange and teal look, but I think it looks a bit too blue, and also a little too desaturated, especially when it comes to skintones.
I think the general shift to yellow is part of the issue.

I like to always start with the color balance tool and usually work on the highlights first, and then add a second instance of the color balance filter and adjust the mids.

Here is a super-quick test:

- shifted the color balance highlights from cyan to red
- shifted the color balance mids slightly from blue to yellow (slightly) and again from cyan to red (slightly)
- slight desaturation of only the cyan range

throwgncpr test:

and since we're on a new page, here are the other images for comparison:


ironman23 grade:
That's more of what I'm going for, thank you for that test :) I'll do some more test's of my own later on. The only reason I used the yellow in the shadow's was to balance out the red and help with things like foliage and tree's.
From my experience, I've found that it's generally best to not adjust the shadows much. In fact, I almost never touch them.  Shadows should naturally have a bit more blue (remember our friend Purkinje). 

I have been most successful by starting with the highlights.  Getting them as neutral as possible will fix a lot of your overall color problems. Adjust incrementally though. So, my method of attack is generally:

-adjust highs on color balance slighly
-adjust mids on color balance slightly

^ repeat  those until I get close to what I want

Then I may go in and change the saturation - either for the entire color spectrum, or just ranges. And then finish it off with subtle tweaks to the color curves and/or levels.

I'm actually going to work on an article and tutorial video for the website covering some of these basics. I've found that you don't need a lot of fancy tools or a ton of effort to get a more natural/neutral image.

Good luck, and feel free to message me or post here if you have any questions. :)
Ahhh ok ok, that makes plenty of sense then thank you again for a). giving me a crash course on purkinje, since before hand I had no idea about it's existence tbh and b). for taking the time to help me out ;)
ThrowgnCpr said:
I'm actually going to work on an article and tutorial video for the website covering some of these basics. I've found that you don't need a lot of fancy tools or a ton of effort to get a more natural/neutral image.

Good stuff.  The more tutorials the better, and this one will be a welcome addition.
The interior of Khan's cell has a subtle blueish light to it, so he should naturally be slightly more blue than Kirk/Spock. Because everything in the original movie is tinted blue, I didn't actually realise it was different, until I started grading those scenes. You can just about tell in those re-graded screenshots above if you look at the cell opposite behind Spock's head.
Thank you everybody for there input on the regrade aspect :) I've re worked and re tweaked it a few times, and now I'm alot happier with the current result (to quote @"ThrowgnCpr" Khan should look a bit less sea sick ;) ). So I have a little new treat for ya'll before I re grade the whole project once more, a sneak peak at how the ending will play out this time, enjoy!

"This video has been removed due to a breach of the Terms of Use."

try vimeo and pw protect it.
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