Review Detail

7.6 25 10
Shorts September 25, 2008 4739
(Updated: September 19, 2012)
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
August 25, 2011

Depths of Darkness – This to me made the whole download worth while. The only thing i would of like to see was more clips from the batman movies used and less clips from Equilibrium.

Chemical Syndicate – Wasn’t to impressed here, seemed to me that not much thought/time went into this edit. (but still an easy watch)

Intruder Alert! – I didn’t really under stand what the editor was going for with this, was just some bad parts from a horrible movie. (also why is everyone so cool with her being bat girl? it was just like oh here’s your costume go fight crime)

Mayhem and Mistletoe – The Sin City approach was okay, but still don’t think much was done with this edit. (didn’t thrill me at all)

Bat Memento – Actually thought this was pretty cool edit, would of liked to see some lines of narration in though (like they do in Memento).

Inner Turmoil – I personally didn’t like this, though i did like the idea. It just didn’t work for me sorry.

Savings Never End – …wow, what was that? I mean really…was this supposed to be funny? I think i got like 5 mins in and then just started skipping ahead to see if it got any better…which it did not. Maybe if the voice over was funny this could have worked, but it was not. Even then should not have been longer than a few mins.
(PS those 5 mins felt like hours)

Pussy Control – I thought some parts were funny, but over all it fell a little short to me.

Gordon Perspective – This (like the joker one) was a little to simple for me, and almost felt like a cop-out (just take all the clips involving one character and string them together).

Killing Joke – I had never seen Birds of Prey before, so this to me felt new for that reason alone. I was still not impressed with anything here…sorry.

overall i felt like more time should have been spent ahead of time to come up with some really cool ideas, personally the majority of the shorts felt quickly thrown together. apart from DoD they didn’t really tell any new story to me, which i thought was the point…because otherwise…why do this at all.
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