Review Detail

9.2 19 10
FanFix November 11, 2012 10131
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Dwight Fry's Batman: Descent into Mystery, more than two years in the making, is one of the best fanedits I've ever had the pleasure of viewing, and hands down my new favorite Batman film! The amount of effort put into this really shows, and at no point did this feel like a fanedit. Great work!

The audio and visual editing are top notch. Nothing was out of place and the audio work is very professional. The new color correction is remarkable and very film noirish.

The fact that you removed the romance element of the film while simultaneously improving the narrative proves just how pointless and unneeded it really was. Batman is now not only the main focus of the film (Which is one of the main problems with the original), but he is also more faithful to the comics. The intercutting between Batman's and Joker's origins works very well. The removal of Prince's music and out of character moments makes for a much improved movie!

The extra features were very intriguing, particularly Bluyoda's surreal The Killing Joke short. The color correction comparison and black and white reveal looked great, and overall the presentation is wonderful!

I can gladly say this is not only the best Batman movie ever, but also one of my new favorite movies, and will earn a place on my shelf. Thank you for a very enjoyable birthday evening Dwight! Now you definitely have do to Batman Returns!

Audio/Video Quality: 10/10
Visual Editing: 10/10
Audio Editing: 10/10
Narrative: 10/10
Enjoyment: 10/10
Overall Rating: 10/10

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