Review Detail

9.3 17 10
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Masterfully created update of a classic fanedit, one of those select few that have transcended our little niche communities and earned mainstream recognition, even from Joel Schumacher himself (even though it's unclear if he actually got to watch it). INIGHTMARES' version looks absolutely beautiful, the grainy quality and the quasi-black and white greatly enhance the narrative and make it more dreamlike, or should I say nightmarish; and the slight touches he added on his own are great aesthetic improvements. If I'm not giving this a perfect 10 overall is for the same shortcomings I find in Scaperat's original edit which don't fit my ideal vision, namely that he didn't cut much of Jim Carrey and I would have gone merciless on him. But if addressed, it wouldn't be Scaperat's edit anymore... In any case this is still a huge improvement over the theatrical version, and until the legendary Schumacher Cut is released (not holding my breath given what's happening with DC movies these days) this is one of the very best ways to watch Batman Forever, if not THE very best. Well done!
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