Review Detail

9.4 80 10
FanFix March 15, 2017 32085
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
I wasn't a big fan of Batman v Superman. I thought the story had some big issues, and it the movie itself felt overly long. I was excited when I learned of this edit and hoped it could do the movie some justice...and it did! There are still a few overall plot issues, but for the most part this edit does a decent job of refocusing the movie where it needed to be, which is on Batman and Superman. As much as I liked Wonder Woman in the original version, I didn't miss her appearance here and I highly enjoyed the re-worked third act. Doomsday was terrible in the original version, so I was glad to see him removed in this version. While I'm not big on how the fight between Batman and Superman resolves itself, I felt it worked much better in this version over the original, and the ending seemed fitting. I was pretty impressed with this edit and glad I got to watch it!
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