Conquest of Jurassic World

8.3 (2)
9.4 (13)
8364 1 9
Conquest of Jurassic World
Faneditor Name:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
2015, 2018
Original Running Time:
252 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
152 minutes
Time Cut:
101 minutes
Time Added:
1 minutes
Available in HD:
This is an editing project combining material from Jurassic World and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom into a flashback structure.
Running about 2.5 hours, this edit tries to strengthen the lead characters’ arcs by giving Claire more agency and making Owen a bit more flawed. By intercutting the films I tried to emphasize the themes of hubris and contempt for nature that tie more directly to the original Jurassic Park. I used roughly 60 minutes of Jurassic World and 90 minutes of Fallen Kingdom.
Other Sources:
"Opening Titles" & "Hatching Baby Raptor" from John Williams' original Jurassic Park score
Release Information:

Faneditor Name:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
2015, 2018
Original Running Time:
252 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
152 minutes
Time Cut:
101 minutes
Time Added:
1 minutes
Available in HD:
This is an editing project combining material from Jurassic World and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom into a flashback structure.
Running about 2.5 hours, this edit tries to strengthen the lead characters’ arcs by giving Claire more agency and making Owen a bit more flawed. By intercutting the films I tried to emphasize the themes of hubris and contempt for nature that tie more directly to the original Jurassic Park. I used roughly 60 minutes of Jurassic World and 90 minutes of Fallen Kingdom.
Other Sources:
"Opening Titles" & "Hatching Baby Raptor" from John Williams' original Jurassic Park score
Release Information:

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2 reviews
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Okay, brutal honesty: I really did not enjoy this edit. I think I could recommend it for people who have already seen both films and really like Fallen Kingdom. For everyone else, I have to think it's a hard pass.

I'll keep this to the point, because JobWillins clearly spent a ton of effort on the project. And the effort pays off. Technically, this is a flawless edit. It is really impressive how seamlessly scenes from the two films are woven together, audio and video, with a lot of thought put into showing how the second film's structure parallels the first, and even attempting to add more resonance to the end of the 2nd film with some artful flashbacks and voiceover. It's a good effort.

That said, it largely did nothing for me. I admit I'm a hard sell in the first place. I don't think Jurassic World is a very good movie. It's Sharknado, but thinks it's being a Spielberg film...sorry, guy. Would be a lot better if they just leaned in to how ridiculous it is. But the sequel is just a really, really, REALLY BAD movie. I can't stress this enough: Fallen Kingdom makes Transformers look like Shakespeare. And this film is heavy on Fallen Kingdom. Worse yet, this structure just makes it even more obvious how stupid and unoriginal of a film it is, as you see two nearly identical scenes play out on top of each other over and over again throughout the fanedit. It's got to be the worst way to watch either movie.

In addition, although the editing is technically impressive, it just makes it frustrating to watch. Because the two films have such similar scenes, repeatedly you're in the middle of some scene and suddenly realize Bryce Dallas Howard has a different hairstyle. "OH! I guess we're in the other movie now!" The structure also means that there's just zero stakes, zero emotional resonance. You already know how the first film plays out, so there's nothing to lose, and I don't even think it's a good thing for dinosaurs to be alive yet, so I don't care if the island is blowing up. The scenes in the sequel that depend on you having emotional attachment from the first film fall completely flat when they play out in tandem this way.

I applaud the editor for their skill and creativity. That this thing even remotely makes sense is amazing. I'd probably be game for just a pure 1h15m version of Jurassic World. But seeing it all cut together this way just didn't work for me at all. I'll look forward to JobWillins' next project though.

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Owner's reply June 21, 2020

1.0 enjoyment? Ouch.
Sorry to put you through such an ordeal.


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Hard to tell if the narrative really works on this one. As other reviewers have mentioned, it feels like you'd have to be familiar with both films (seeing each at least once, probably multiple times to really give the edit clarity), for the narrative jumps to work. However, having seen both these films multiple times, some of these narrative jumps from film-to-film are a bit jarring. So, I really am not sure they work either of the two ways. Additionally, the editing that occurred - mainly when transitioning from one film to the next (also occasionally when Jurassic World had been trimmed), was a bit awkward and further highlighted these narrative issues.

The first act was pretty strong, however. I loved the first cut between the two films (the Mosasaurus), and the next couple were pretty entertaining to see as well. But, for the majority of the middle portion, I realized I was kinda losing track of the two narratives, and it just sort of felt like I was watching one being interrupted by the other. The edit hadn't entirely lost sight of itself, but I couldn't help but find myself questioning it every so often. The climax was more of the same, though a bit amplified as we were dealing with so many characters and subplots at this point, as well as the same handful of a few characters jumping back and forth three years. I really loved the narrated "prologue" of sorts that preluded the ACTUAL prologue to Fallen Kingdom. That almost made me forget about the aforementioned issues - just almost.

All-in-all, this was a cool edit to check out but I think the concept was a little too ambitious for execution - it works better on paper than film. If you're interested in checking this edit out, you still should. It has it's flaws, as everything does, but it's still fun and while I wouldn't say it ENHANCES these two films, it's certainly a neat way to check both of them out - especially if you're like me and trying to get your money's worth out of them.
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(Updated: February 11, 2023)
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This is a great conquest for Jurassic Park fans. Less of the incongruant intrigue and more of the dinosaurs breaking out of their cages, smahsing things, eating people (generally their captors), and just essentially being awesome. Big-ups to T-Rex & Blue!!

The editor here pulls all those really strong plot elements from the Jurassic World that mirror the original and weaves them all together almost too seemlessly. It's a heady mix of intracontinuity with a dash of discontinuity to form a transcontinuous blend of sublime multi-level-linearity. Sweet as a nut!!!!

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I recomend this one to everyone that is a Fan of both movies and has seen them more than once.
Sadly it wasnt my cup of tea.

The Flashbacks did confuse me at times, as they had no ankle sometimes.
They just start, it was conufusing as the Flashbacks sometimes did not refer to anything that was seen before...
mainly in the third act this gets problematic for me, as the pacing is getting faster.

Also with this edit i realize that both films are pretty much the same and bringing them together did not strengthen either one of them.
SOme of the emotions did not come up proper, because we know what happens from the Flashbacks, and so we dont have any fear of loosing a character or such.
So for a first watch, i wouldnt recomend this, bt if your a fan, this shows you a different spin.

Everything technical is flawless as with all works that Job WIlins is showing us.
Most of his other projects i highly recomend, and this just did not work for me that much -
but all praise to Job and his efforts and thanks for sharing.

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(Updated: December 27, 2021)
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This is a really well made edit. Great use of J and L cuts, something i rarely see editors use - at least in general content. I've only seen a few fan-edits so far.

The problem is, this edit is only for those who like the Jurassic World films. Unfortunately, i'm not one of those people. I gave this edit a chance as a fan of the Jurassic Park franchise. It's clearly an ambitious project, which made me curious to check it out.

I can't say the flashback structure really improves on the narrative. I was hoping for interesting contrasts, but it mostly exposes how similar the two films are with their story beats and ideas. I think for fans of the films, it will be more of an interesting new way to watch them.

Outside of the flashback structure, there are some small improvements to be found in the overall story, especially towards the end with the reason for the dinosaurs being freed. But there's nothing that will convince someone who dislikes the films to suddenly have an appreciation for them.

The final battle(s) were honestly a little awkwardly edited for me. There are some interesting ideas in there that are impressive in execution, but in-between that some segments feel forced just so they can lead to those moments.

As an example, the scene with the T-Rex being summoned by Claire and the Indoraptor creeping in the bedroom is interwoven really well with great, smartly-picked shots, and is accompanied by rather quiet music to create tension. This is masterful editing here, but then the moment is over when you're hit with the Indominus Rex's roar. It doesn't transition properly into that roar and i found it jarring. I feel like it should've been more of an instrumental build up towards that roar.

The battle continues rather awkwardly at times, as the score that plays between the two films don't always cut into each other seamlessly. Jurassic World (2015) has a more epic and nostalgic score that plays during this sequence, with Fallen Kingdom going for more of a horror-ish vibe and the distinctions between the two feel too apparent for me. Understandably, it's very difficult to replace a score entirely, so i'm not docking the audio editing score significantly.

The visual editing is mostly up there. There are some time-jumping shots that i feel are too abrupt and should've been allowed more time to breathe. For example, 2 hours 14 minutes into the film - i get what you're trying to do here. Create a parallel with the Raptor and Rex arriving to save the day. Main problem is, one film does it in slow motion while the other doesn't, making the transitions awkward. The amount of camera motion in the Fallen Kingdom scene, and the score that plays from the Jurassic World scene makes it even more jarring. I think either processing the Fallen Kingdom scene in slow motion with AI (there are some decent options out there now), or speeding up the JW scene may have helped connect them better. If neither option works, then just a different approach entirely may have been better. This scene continues with the Raptor attacking the Indoraptor, while Rexy and Indominus Rex are roaring in slow motion. The time-jumping here is very quick and is an example of the sort of abrupt editing i mean. Again, i get what you're trying to do here and how you're trying to make the JW sound merge the two films as well. It is definitely difficult to make this sort of thing work, but i feel with more trial and error it could eventually feel seamless.

The scene with Blue returning again in the two battles is wonderfully done. I especially like how you've inter-cut between JW and the Indoraptor's fall in Fallen Kingdom - the music really fits. I'm sure fans of the films will love what you've done here.

I do still want to applaud your editing skills. You've clearly put a lot of work into this and i look forward to seeing "Paradise" next.

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The quality and the editing is flawless! seamless cuts with great action and pace. Without any filler two movies become one that works really well.
This is my go to edit if i feel like watching them again. That said, I think it is not for someone watching the Jurassic World movies for the first time. Because it is a bit confusing in the third act when the tempo increases and the flashbacks(from the first film) are very dominant.

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This is a great edit. I love how JobWillins has used the first Jurassic World as flash backs for Fallen Kingdom. The way the edit is put together makes sense with the flashbacks and its not confusing or distracting at all. I really enjoyed this edit and would I highly recommend it if your a fan of the Jurassic Park \ World movies.

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