Review Detail

9.8 4 10
FanFix June 30, 2023 1707
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
I was pretty much on autopilot for the majority of the edit up until the bit with the dead bloodstained cops came along and I must say the blood and gore effects you added along with the knife and ground are so visually seamless that I actually thought they were apart of the original until I watched both the original and the non dead cops edit again, the inclusion of this graphic alternative fate adds a nice extra layer of darkness to the events that occur afterwards though I am curious to know if you used After Effects or a similar software to pull this of and if so I would really love to know how to do something like this for an edit or two someday.

On the subject of visuals there’s a bit of an inconsistency with the resolution between some scenes such as the china raid and building shots along with the assault and sonar vision scenes where it goes from 1080p without black bars to 1080p with black bars and vice versa though this seems to be a problem with the original source material, speaking of sonar vision the cutting of some the exposition that came with those scenes greatly improved the pacing and enhanced the visual storytelling and fight choreography throughout the whole ordeal though I do think there are two small dialogue bits that should have been cut.

The first being ‘’He missed’’ as it visually shows before said statement is uttered that Bats didn’t miss and the other being the Police Officers ‘’Is that a phone’’? as the camera shows the viewer that it is indeed a phone and Joker’s earlier quote ‘’I just want my phone call’’ telegraphs to said viewer or viewers that a phone will play a vital role in said scene, otherwise I’d say almost any problems that this great film had has been resolved and with said problems that have been removed or fixed it makes for a much better viewing experience and adding to the experience was the smeared bloodstained ‘’Why So Serious’’? Text graphic.

It not only captures the grittiness of the edit but was a great way to telegraph narratively to the audience that throughout the majority of the films events The Joker was in control.

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Owner's reply January 01, 2024

I think you're misinterpreting the scene with Joker. The Joker says 'He missed', because in his twisted mind he thinks Batman actually wanted to ram his truck head-on. He doesn't see the cable at all.

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