Review Detail

9.8 17 10
FanFix April 05, 2021 6461
Overall rating
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Visual Editing
This one is loooooooong overdue.
You will find this Review in Michaels Opus as well, as i have watched both of them, for 3 times now.

There is no point in me telling you, what Wraith did, in detail. What i want to share in short is this:
WRAITH´s Versions did something to me, they Reopened those Movies, that i have watched countless times.
triggered by my father (italian heritage) i was watching The Godfather 1&2 many times freom a young age.
Everytime, while i grew up, more and more opened up - i understood more of the meanings and feelings of the characters, and in the movementes of the older version of Don Vito, i saw my (than aged) dad.

I am emotional about these movies, since they have played a big part in my youth and still do.
The "new" Versions are the best i have ever seen. I experienced some scenes like never before.
Dialouge hit me more, cuts and sound and chronology are flawless.

I strongly recomend these versions to everyone that just feels a shrad love for the OG Cuts -
Wraith teleports The Godfather on a pedestal that might stand forever !!!!

thx for sharing, i really appreciate it!

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