Review Detail

9.2 2 10
Movie-to-TV May 22, 2022 2050
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
The quality and editing were great. This felt a lot like a real miniseries with pretty good intros and cliffhangers, and many of the added songs were a nice touch. The first few episodes and the last ones were fantastic, with the middle ones more hit and miss for me.

I don't normally like Movie to TV edits but because of how connected the second through fourth movies are, and how much the final two movies dragged on, I thought this series might benefit from this format, and for the most part it succeeded.

My biggest issue with Movie to TV edits is that the pacing is usually messed up, and this is no exception. The first two episodes felt great, but the middle set got messy.

E1 - Loved everything about this episode and the addition of the deleted scenes. The pacing is great and the cliffhanger is at a good spot.

E2 - Again another great episode. I really liked that the Peeta painting himself subplot was removed. The transition was pretty well done, though noticeable. Some of the ending songs worked for me and others didn't. 1st was great, the 2nd felt out of place being so upbeat. This series is supposed to be really bleak so some of the outros being upbeat and happy feel out of place.

E3 - This is where the pacing is getting messed up. The first 5 minutes wrap up the climax of the original movie and then speed right into the next which end up making the conclusion to the first hunger games really anticlimactic and rushed. The rest of the episode is great with a good ending spot.

E4 - While this episode is pretty well done it is considerably longer than the rest. Nearly 30 minutes longer than all the other episodes and you can feel it. I kind of think this one could have been split into two episodes. But it ends well!

E5 - Fantastic episode again, and I loved the ending.

E6 - Another good episode, with pretty good pacing throughout. I like that the Hanging Tree song stuff was minimized

E7 - Pacing was a little worse this episode. I think everything could have been sped up a bit more.

E8 - Closed it off so well! I'm glad you cut Gale and Peeta talking about Katniss in the sewer, and then the music up to the end and through the credits was well chosen. The epilogue as a post credits scene was a nice touch as well.
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