Review Detail

9.8 4 10
FanFix April 30, 2013 3767
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
The original FLIGHT was a movie I found to be pretty much instantly forgettable upon exiting the theatre, which really shocked me considering it's pedigree. Yes, Denzel Washington is riveting when on the screen, and Zemeckis performed some pretty cool visuals, but otherwise this story felt like it a Lifetime TV Movie of the Week, not a major motion picture.

Thus, I was very curious what Gatos could redeem from this story. But to be honest, I did not trust myself to be unbiased when reviewing, so I pulled the old switcharoo on my beloved wife, and did not tell her we were watching a Fan Edit.

Well, she really liked it. She said it packed a very strong emotional punch and that it felt very believable. The new ending she thought felt a bit jarring for her, but she said that is how real life is. Myself, I agree, this version is much stronger emotionally but I still had difficulty buying into it.

Technically, this is superior editing. Excellent video. Great audio. Perfect cuts.

Gatos has taken what I consider to be a mediocre movie and made it very, very good.
Still not great, but a tremendous improvement and should definitely be watched to appreciate Gatos fine skill at sculpting a more dramatic narrative.

Thumbs Up.

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