Review Detail

9.2 52 10
FanMix May 04, 2013 14071
(Updated: May 15, 2013)
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
After returning from the dark and fiery depths of Erich von Stroheim's Greed, njvc's Pulp Empire was a welcome delight! I had high expectations for this one and it didn't disappoint. All the elements of a great Tarantino flick have been masterfully integrated into The Empire Strikes Back, and I don't think anyone could have done it any better than njvc. There is not a single musical selection that is out of place (the music from Taxi Driver was surprising but it worked well with the scene), and I particularly liked the music from Morricone. The Battle of Hoth chapter is a technical marvel, full of split screens, overlapping dialogue, ferocious new sound effects and great music as I said. The final chapter is extremely intense, epic and powerful, and defintely one of the best fanedited sequences I've ever seen! The non-linear structure is well put together and there are no plot holes to speak of, but cutting the sequence where Luke chats with Han and Leia while recuperating wasn't really a good idea. I'm not sure if this was due to technical issues or not, but there's important character development in that scene and it would have strengthend the edit. The rapid fire pacing is well edited and consistent, but the narrative feels rushed and there's less time for it to breath, but that's a really minor criticism because I had a blast watching this. The picture quality was tremendous throughout, as was the audio editing. Sure, some of William's music can be heard in the background during some scenes, but I don't think there was any way that they could have been completely removed. Overall, njvc has done a truly fantastic job!

Also, Boba Fett's new entrance was FREAKING AWESOME!!! I was grinning for about ten minutes afterwards. Certainly my favorite scene from the edit!

Audio/Video Quality: 10/10
Visual Editing: 10/10
Audio Editing: 9/10
Narrative: 9/10
ENjoyment: 10/10

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