Review Detail

9.4 13 10
FanMix August 12, 2018 13256
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
As a fan of Rogue One I was pretty interested to watch this edit, knowing it basically just the big ending battle presented as a short film. But, I think the editor did a really great job making it seem like more than just the battle. The opening crawl is great, as is how it leads into the opening scene of this edit. The editing is seamless and there were a few parts that if I didn't know there should have been something there I wouldn't have noticed. The editor did an awesome job putting this together. The audio is pretty nice too, and all the music selections seemed to fit the scenes nicely. There were a few times the music seemed a bit louder than the dialogue, but it wasn't off putting or anything.

All in all, I'm very impressed with the edit and I'm really glad I got the opportunity to watch it.
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