Review Detail

9.4 13 10
Extended Edition September 26, 2019 10728
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
I loved this fanedit and you will, too.
Firstly, it doesn't hurt that I love the original film. That said, it's no guarantee that I'll love a fanedit. Despite the best of intentions, some faneditors' visions of what would make a great viewing experience just don't match mine. Their changes actually lessen the film. Not so, here. There are no frivolous additions, nothing added that doesn't increase amusement or add depth. More importantly, it's all done with love and attention to the style of the original film, from the very start with awesome custom intro bumpers all the way through to a fun bonus credits gag.

I have seen some nitpicking in a couple of other reviews and I have to totally disagree. With respect, these people need to watch the original film again. They may have thought that the additional lines or scenes are edited in less-than-perfectly but they...are...WRONG. The film is originally full of effects and fast cuts and abrupt transitions and scenes of varying quality. The additions are fit in perfectly here, and if you're still bothered by an edit, a quick pass through Handbrake fixes everything. Try it guys, you'll love it. And for those unsure about adding the animated bits, they flesh out the characters in the film, like the backstory with Kim, introducing Gideon, etc. If you're someone with a terminally short attention span (so much so that even a video game style film can't hold it) then play on your phone and watch this in spurts until you develop that muscle. This isn't a Merchant-Ivory piece: it flies by despite the extended length.

The only quibble I have is in some mild censorship on the part of the editor. A few lines were cut out from characters that mentioned "race" or being "retarded". Someone might find these offensive, but in my opinion it's not up to a faneditor to change characters by cutting out anything they say that the faneditor doesn't like. (Unless reshaping characters is the whole purpose of the edit!) You leave the lines in and let audiences decide if they're offended and what that makes them feel about those characters. Not every character has to be perfectly likable.

All in all, a phenomenal edit that extends and replaces the original film. I recommend this to everyone on the site without reservation. Thanks very much for the hard work, RoccondilRinon!

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