Review Detail

9.8 10 10
FanFix June 13, 2022 2871
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Fantastic edit by Tremault. I liked the original, but definitely felt it needed to be a little more cohesive. BIggest positives from this edit is majorly toning down Katy and Trevor, and a more focused final battle. Katy is a lot more bearable when she isn't in the spotlight every scene now, and I always hated that she made that amazing shot with the arrow at the end after a day of training. I wish she wasn't part of the battle at all. This new finale is much better!

Next best thing was the changes to Wenwu so that he wasn't hearing his wife's voice, and the rearranging of the flashbacks. I can't exactly say why, but I was more invested in his character this time.

Great addition of the deleted scene with the brother and sister. I could go either way with the Wong vs Abomination fight. Personally I would have preferred to keep the car escape sequence, but I understand why it was cut. And I'm glad the postcard plotline got cut.

All in all a great edit with just a few minor nitpicks.
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