Review Detail

8.6 10 10
FanMix December 19, 2012 8628
(Updated: December 21, 2012)
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
I had the pleasure of watching Spiderman: Hero Within last night, and although the technical details are just about perfect, the narrative was a slight disappointment, but more on that later.

Audio/Video Quality: Looked spectacular 10/10

Visual Editing: Generally great, but the sudden dissolve about 51 minutes in is too quick and was a momentary distraction. Same goes for a similar transition at the 14 minute mark, when it dissolves from Peter web slinging for the first time to him walking home. Again, it feels fanedited and wasn't convincing. Those were the only problems I saw with the visual editing, the rest was amazing! 9/10

Audio Editing: Just about perfect! 10/10

Narrative: The first half hour was great, with a more focused origin story, but once Spiderman shows up (Excellent use of the crane sequence from Spiderman 3) the plot kinda wanders around for awhile until Doc Ock appears. In fact, after the first half there just wasn't really a consistent pace until the climax. I liked the new ending very much, but there wasn't much closure to the storyline however.

Those gripes aside, I can say that the deletion of the overwhelming cast of useless side characters and subplots made this much more watchable. Nearly all the corny humor has been chopped (With the exception of J.J. Jameson), which makes for a darker and more serious film. Thankfully, the romance has been drastically simplified, which again works stronger than it did in the original. 8/10

Enjoyment: Overall this is a solid and very original Spiderman edit, but the pacing during the second half was rather off-putting. STILL HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! 8/10

Audio/Video Quality: 10/10
Visual Editing: 9/10
Audio Editing: 10/10
Narrative: 8/10
Enjoyment: 8/10

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