Review Detail

8.0 35 10
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Ever wanted to cry during Episode I and still be able to look at yourself in the mirror? Well the Ridiculous Menace gives you that chance.

There's not much else to say that hasn't already been said. This edit is hilarious. Also, as others have stated, it's kind of rough. But, for the most part, you can tell what joke is being made, and even though it might not sound right, you'll still get the joke, and you'll still laugh. And there really are some great jokes in there. And there are some that I don't get, but I don't really care. That didn't detract from my enjoyment, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who did get those jokes.

The biggest problem with the edit is the length. Two hours is too long for a comedy. Now, I've seen comedies that are two hours that I love. Those runtimes work, because those films have a story. And when I say story, I mean a good story. Ridiculous Menace has a story, but it's not a good one. So it takes a backseat. You don't care about it. The only problem is, honestly, it's still there, and it makes the film lag. As do some of the jokes, which go on for too long. I think this needed to be at least twenty minutes shorter.

Anyway, irregardless, this edit is great. TV's Frink did a hysterical job (in a good way). Show this to your friends.

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