Review Detail

9.4 21 10
FanFix April 25, 2022 5905
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
I've now watched a handful of edits of this film. And, sadly, I think I'm at the point where I'm ready to concede that, like the prequels, this just can't be fixed to my satisfaction. This is in no way a criticism of Spence's work. I'm not an editor, but I didn't notice any real issues. He makes some definite improvements and I prefer the direction he take--trying to keep it in line with TLJ--to other edits that seem to more embrace the idea that bloodline is what the Force is all about, Unfortunately, the edit doesn't go far enough for me. To be fair, at this point I'm watching this movie with an eye towards how much could be changed without creating massive narrative issues and I'm not sure much more COULD have been done. Hence my coming to terms with the fact this movie can't be fixed. As it stands I think this edit has some unique ideas that could be merged with other editors' ideas to create something tolerable, if not satisfying. Spence's edit is certainly that for me as it at least de-emphasized some of the more egregious issues, if not eliminated them. It's a well polished turd, but for me still a turd.

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