Review Detail

9.4 21 10
FanFix April 25, 2022 5904
(Updated: July 12, 2023)
Overall rating
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Visual Editing
Star Wars, the franchise with the most fanedits ever. I guess that says something on its own about the original work done in the prequels and the sequels. Anyway, Spence is a legend in editing so I had high hopes for this one, especially since it came out almost two years after the incredible HAL's edit "Ascendant" which Spence kept stuff from and he was right to do so.

Besides this one, I had watched HAL's obviously and also the "Anti Cringe Cut" by DonKamillo because I was really pissed when I first watched the original Episode 9 and I wanted a really aggressive edit (DonKamillo cut 45 minutes(!), but it had many issues, for me at least). Spence's edit I believe is the best of those two worlds. Doesn't cut too much and doesn't cut too little. Plus, is has many from the subtle great changes from HAL's edit.

To be more specific, I personally prefer the 'Rey nobody' version here, I'm tired of the Skywalker/Palpatine lineage, Star Wars is rich enough to have many original new characters. I also prefer that Spence had Leia's death in the beginning and not dying because of the message to Kylo. Although I felt it was a little rushed and out of place. Speaking of the message to Kylo, what a great editing in the fight at the sea between Rey and Kylo! Really loved how Spence handled Leia dying earlier in the movie. My last remark is something that I was certain I would just add as a suggestion, but to my very pleasant suprise, Spence had done it! After the beginning of Episode 8 with Luke casually throwing his lightsaber away, I found completely ironic and out of place the line "that's no way to treat a lightsaber" that he says to Rey when she throws it in the fire. I was like, you did the exact same thing in the previous movie, don't try to retcon it man!

I most definitely recommend this edit to everyone! Spence has, once again, done a great job! For me, it became my new go-to version of the movie!

Thank you Spence for all your hard work, thanks to anyone who read my review and may the force be with you!

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