Review Detail

9.4 21 10
FanFix April 25, 2022 5905
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
I was massively disappointed by the end of the sequel trilogy after enjoying the first two parts. It was obviously rushed and too fixated on pleasing the worst people in the fanbase. Too many cooks, too many ingredients.

After hearing about this edit I decided to check it out and I've got to say it's a phenomenal improvement.

Stripping out the stupid lineage plot does wonders to make it more thematically coherent and also makes the characters a lot more interesting. Moving Leia's passing to the start of the film also adds a very nice subtext of the characters feeling lost after loosing their last mentor. Obviously an edit isn't going to fix the rushed scenes and the narrative grinding to a halt to stare at something from the old films, but it's the best you can possibly do with what's available.

The edit itself is superb and is barely noticable if you didn't know what to look out for. Probably one of the best edits I've ever seen.

This isn't going to suddenly turn the film into a masterpiece but it at least lets it feel like some character got an ending they deserved.

Very much looking forward to seeing what they have done with Kenobi.

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