Review Detail

9.5 3 10
FanMix May 06, 2021 2944
Overall rating
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For anyone loving Sup - this is a treat.
For me, not that much - but thats ok and has nothing to do with the work.

Its just, that i realize that i always (and dont kill me for writing this) found Superman beeing a kind of To Good Person.
No edges, no rough corners, the man is good all the time. He is blend.
So why watching this film than? Because i love the work of Wraith, and some of his Cuts are brilliant.

This cut combines Superman I and II in a very good flow, the pacing is top.
My wife watched it with me (her first ever Reeves Superman watch) and she did not know that this is a fan cut.
We enjoyed it together, with me explaing some stuff and her asking why the lead charakter is so clumpsy all the time :)

I did like the Reeves Superman Movies back than when i was far younger, but for me Time has not been very good to them.
The jokes are bad, the clumpsy version of Kent is simply off putting, the way that Sup is obbsessed with Louis from second one after meeting her is just creepy now.

BUT, it was a trip to my past with my love beeing with me and we had a fun watch.
For this probably beeing the last watch, i am gald it was this cut.

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