Review Detail

FanFix May 02, 2024 356
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Full disclosure: I LOVE the 2005 version of The Producers. LOVE! IT! lol

So when Wraith announced his multi-release project I was instantly curious.
Thus far I have watched this version and his 1967 Conformation Edit, and of the two, this my preferred version.

Wraith's Conformation Edit does an admirable job emulating the structure of the 1967 film but for me it played off key as the excised musical numbers were essential in elevating the material, propelling the plots forward and fleshing out some key character moments.
However, if you are a fan of the '67 Gene Wilder film, then I think the 2005 Conformation Edit will still tickle your funny bone.

As for The Producers 2005: The Wraith Edit, it is a remarkable affair. First and foremost, I give Wraith a standing ovation for even attempting to fan edit a Mel Brooks production. Brook's films have a definite and discernable comedic cadence, rhyme and rhythm -- everything serves a purpose -- and to tamper with that, one risks throwing the whole experience off balance. For the most part, I think Wraith succeeds in retaining Brook's signature flavour and meets most of his fan edit objectives.

Technically, the cut work is very good. No flash frames or sync issues. Occasionally, due to a cut or scene rearrangement, altered character geography is noticeable but not detrimental. There is a very clever flopped shot that I only noticed on repeated viewing that seamlessly sells a key piece of introductory dialogue.

The new opening credits are delightful, instantly injecting a fun, ridiculous tone that sets up the film nicely. I am uncertain if the flashback fully worked for me? I am of two minds on it. One, it is a fantastic number that really shines a light on Max's character but at the same time, in terms of pacing, it plays too long for a traditional flashback. But the transition swipe and sound fx is stylistically spot on!

From this point on into the second act the fan edit moves at lovely and entertaining pace and I was fully entranced. All the cuts through this section were unnoticeable to me and the new version of Max raising the money for his little old lady investors using alternate material was brilliant.

Once we enter the third act, some of the cuts and changes did not completely work for me. One of the elements lost in this version is the fleshing out of Leo and Ulla's relationship, which I missed and does feel a wee bit sudden when we arrive at the courthouse scene. Also the jump cut to the courtroom scene did not work for as it almost felt like freeze frame cut on the cop. I think it would have played better keeping the two books joke. Also Leo and Ulla's courtroom entrance was a bit jarring. But I give Wraith points for his editing the conga musical notes. And then there is the cutting of "Til Him". To me, this is an essential song that speaks deeply to Leo and Max's relationship. Without it, the scene plays a bit choppy and too short. But once the courthouse transitions to Sing Sing, the fan edit ties everything up nicely in a wonderful Broadway finish.

I think the real star of this fan edit is the Audio Editing. As the audio work throughout this fan edit is exceptional!!!! From sound removal to rescoring, it is all truly impressive. Bravo!

In the end, I believe Wraith met his set goal of rearranging the 2005 version into a facsimile of the 1967 version but I just wish his parameters had been slightly less rigid as I think some key character beats were lost in the translation. Still, an exceptionally entertaining ride and I do recommend it.

Thumbs Up!

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