Review Detail

9.9 14 10
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
March 26, 2012 @ 7:37 pm

There really is not anything further that I can add to the comments that proceed mine. This is simply a tour-de-force of fanediting. I downloaded the BD edit of this, and everything about smacks of top-notch perfection. From the flawless BD menu, spectacular picture quality and flawless editing, this is what I would hope all faneditors aspire to, both in terms of creativity and execution.

Just to cover the bases:

Image Quality. BD was spectacular. 10/10

Audio Quality. Sounded fantastic on my home audio. 10/10

Video Editing: Flawless. Impossible to determine that this wasn’t released in a theater. 10/10

Audio Editing: The audio levels are vastly improved over the workprint which I saw, but still not quite as even as I would prefer, but I think this is a matter of personal taste rather than execution. No pops, no stray audio, everything blends perfectly so 10/10.

Menu and Special Features: Professional quality. I can only hope to have menus this spectacular. 10/10

Story: I enjoy the original version, it’s a great movie and is not flawed in any specific way, which makes NJVC’s decision to take it on all the more impressive. As much as I do like the original however, it’s exceedingly depressing. Spike did a great job at exploring the mind and world of a troubled youth, but it is far from the charming, simple book which I adore.

I don’t think any amount of editing could create the world as I see it in the book when I read it to my kids, but NJVC does an amazing job of remolding the film into something that still generates empathy and angst, but without overwhelming you. This is my replacement copy now. Chances are that when I sit down to watch WTWTA, it is the Wild Rumpus Edition that I’ll pop into the player.

OVERALL Score: 10/10
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