Batman Consecution: The True Fanedit Chronicles

7.8 (5)
7.6 (25)
4739 1 5

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5 results - showing 1 - 5
(Updated: September 19, 2012)
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Visual Editing
August 25, 2011

Depths of Darkness – This to me made the whole download worth while. The only thing i would of like to see was more clips from the batman movies used and less clips from Equilibrium.

Chemical Syndicate – Wasn’t to impressed here, seemed to me that not much thought/time went into this edit. (but still an easy watch)

Intruder Alert! – I didn’t really under stand what the editor was going for with this, was just some bad parts from a horrible movie. (also why is everyone so cool with her being bat girl? it was just like oh here’s your costume go fight crime)

Mayhem and Mistletoe – The Sin City approach was okay, but still don’t think much was done with this edit. (didn’t thrill me at all)

Bat Memento – Actually thought this was pretty cool edit, would of liked to see some lines of narration in though (like they do in Memento).

Inner Turmoil – I personally didn’t like this, though i did like the idea. It just didn’t work for me sorry.

Savings Never End – …wow, what was that? I mean really…was this supposed to be funny? I think i got like 5 mins in and then just started skipping ahead to see if it got any better…which it did not. Maybe if the voice over was funny this could have worked, but it was not. Even then should not have been longer than a few mins.
(PS those 5 mins felt like hours)

Pussy Control – I thought some parts were funny, but over all it fell a little short to me.

Gordon Perspective – This (like the joker one) was a little to simple for me, and almost felt like a cop-out (just take all the clips involving one character and string them together).

Killing Joke – I had never seen Birds of Prey before, so this to me felt new for that reason alone. I was still not impressed with anything here…sorry.

overall i felt like more time should have been spent ahead of time to come up with some really cool ideas, personally the majority of the shorts felt quickly thrown together. apart from DoD they didn’t really tell any new story to me, which i thought was the point…because otherwise…why do this at all.
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(Updated: September 19, 2012)
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March 14, 2009

*This rating was given before reviews were required*
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(Updated: September 19, 2012)
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Visual Editing
February 13, 2009

*This rating was given before reviews were required*
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(Updated: September 19, 2012)
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Visual Editing
October 3, 2008

*This rating was given before reviews were required*
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Congrats to you guys, a very very very good and funny project, this is what makes fanediting truly special.

About the shorts:

Depths of Darkness:
If you watch the DVD make this edit the last you watch… a great continuation of TDK, the music fits perfectly even the dialogue sounds like it was written for a Batman movie (especially the Machinist part about the mother-cemetary-mother’s day) if Chris Nolan doesn’t do a third Batman movie, then this is my official sequel to TDK

6 out of 5

Mayhem and Mistletoe:
I like the Sin-City Style, B&W suits Burtons movie very well and the scenes originally showing the Penguin are cleverly tweaked, very very very good movie

5 out of 5

Intruder Alert
It’s a nice idea and reminds me very much of B&R de-assified – funnier to watch than Schumacher’s original work, but still not good, not your fault Dluppers, but the source material’s

3 out of 5

The Savings Never End
I don’t want to flame you now Grievous Angel, because your idea was actually pretty cool and funny – to present B&R as the toy commercial it was. I don’t want to be rude or something but sadly it was not very fun to watch. Please don’t let this negative feedback stop you from fan-editing.

1 out of 5

The Case Of The Chemical Syndicate
Well after watching DoD first I already had my favourite , but I enjoyed the hell out of this movie, it really felt like a Saturday morning Episode. The Intro was very nicely done, the “The Dark Knight will return” commercial thing was funny. I liked how you edited the Batmobile-attack on the AXIS-Chemicals as a “Batmobile approaches” scene. The story was simplified but still coherent, a down to the crime fast-paced movie and well… it’s just cool Jack Nicholson/Joker action.
Congratulations, very entertaining.

5 out of 5

The Killing Joke
I really don’t know what exactly to say about it, as I’ve never seen birds of prey. The story was neat, but the thing about the catacombs seemed a little strange. Sure it was here to tell the story about Batman/Joker/Batgirl and that part worked but it seemed to go nowhere, like this mission was just here to tell Oracle’s backstory. Don’t know what has been cut, so I can’t judge.

3 out of 5

The Gordon Perspective
Ahhh…. UA again. Maybe I’m preoccupied but after I’ve read UA’s name I knew that this edit would be good – and it was. A few scenes could have been longer, but I understand that this was not a movie, but a short. I’m feeling guilty that I don’t have anything particular to say about this edit, except:

5 out of 5

Bat Memento
A tribute to Nolan, an interesting take on BB and the CBB-group to carry it out… unfortunately I didn’t enjoy this edit that much, as I already mentioned about Gordon Perspective the goal was to make a short, not a movie and whereas I like the Gordon-Edit despite the missing scenes a Batman story spawning the events of BB within 10 minutes was in my opinion to little time.

Sadly 3 out of 5

Inner Turmoil
Using fear Toxin in order to transcend from real life to TAS is a great concept and it was very well executed, even though there could have been more animated scenes.

5 out of 5

Pussy Control
As another poster already stated the problem with this edit is that there is another edit about Catwoman and Batman. It isn’t a bad edit, but the Sin-City style of Mayhem and Mistletoe was more interesting to me. A few cuts were not that well executed, but overall it was an entertaining solid fan-edit

4 out of 5

And once again I have to say “THANK YOU” for an entertaining collaboration. The concept of joining fan-edit-forces alone deserves a 5 out of 5 rating + there are a lot of very good/entertaining/well executed edits. Thank you thank you

P.S.: How about a crime movie collaboration? Like cutting Heat/Departed/Godfather etc.
It could be even more sophisticated by trying to tie the separate fan-edits into one story concerning a city for example. Maybe it’s a ridiculous impossible concept, but I’m thinking about something along the lines of “Gotham Knight” when it comes to story connections, that tiny things from previous shorts appear in the next short. Just an idea… sorry if it’s stupid/impossible

greets Sunarep
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5 results - showing 1 - 5