Bram Stoker's Dracula (Silent Film Version)

9.1 (4)
9.8 (8)
7430 1 10
Faneditor Name:
Original Movie/Show Title:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
155 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
52 minutes
Time Cut:
103 minutes
Available in HD:
This is a fanedit of 'Bram Stoker's Dracula' (1992), re-imagined as a silent film. The inter-titles are adapted directly from Bram Stoker's novel, and the score is sourced from 'Dracula' (by Philip Glass and Performed by the Kronos Quartet) with an alternate version performed by Michael Reisman. The intention is to present a version of the film faithful to the source material released around the turn of the 20th century, in the style of Nosferatu (1922).
The intention is to create the most faithful adaptation of Dracula yet produced in a style consistent with the era in which the book was originally published.
Additional Notes:
I mixed in footage of Todd Browning's 'Dracula' (1931) in order to make the film seem older. I also sped the film up 150%, stepped down the frame rate, applied tinting consistent with the practice of dye-based colorization in the silent film era, and applied subtle scratches, grain, and other film damage to suggest age.
Special Thanks:
TM2YC, SatansWaffles, That One Guy, ssj, Captain Khajiit
Release Information:
  • Digital
  • Digital
Special Features:
- Alternate score performed by Michael Reisman
- Chapter titles
Mina's Letter (Password:

Renfield (Password:

Faneditor Name:
Original Movie/Show Title:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
155 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
52 minutes
Time Cut:
103 minutes
Available in HD:
This is a fanedit of 'Bram Stoker's Dracula' (1992), re-imagined as a silent film. The inter-titles are adapted directly from Bram Stoker's novel, and the score is sourced from 'Dracula' (by Philip Glass and Performed by the Kronos Quartet) with an alternate version performed by Michael Reisman. The intention is to present a version of the film faithful to the source material released around the turn of the 20th century, in the style of Nosferatu (1922).
The intention is to create the most faithful adaptation of Dracula yet produced in a style consistent with the era in which the book was originally published.
Additional Notes:
I mixed in footage of Todd Browning's 'Dracula' (1931) in order to make the film seem older. I also sped the film up 150%, stepped down the frame rate, applied tinting consistent with the practice of dye-based colorization in the silent film era, and applied subtle scratches, grain, and other film damage to suggest age.
Special Thanks:
TM2YC, SatansWaffles, That One Guy, ssj, Captain Khajiit
Release Information:
  • Digital
  • Digital
Special Features:
- Alternate score performed by Michael Reisman
- Chapter titles
Mina's Letter (Password:

Renfield (Password:

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4 reviews
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Very good, high bitrate. The visual quality has been slightly intentionally degraded and the aspect ratio changed to achieve the silent film look.

The regrades are expertly chosen, as is the excellent score. The lowered framerate really sells this as silent film. There's at least one (intentional) freezeframe/near-freezeframe towards the beginning, which was well done. The establishing shots were very nice, looked like paintings. My main critique, and pretty much my only critique of this edit, is that I found the intertitles to be a little hard to read and not lasting long enough.

It's impressive how the narrative has been compressed into such a short period of time yet remains coherent throughout. Pace is good too. I definitely appreciated how the film is brought closer to the novel. A lot of scenes are reworked to better fit the book, including all the scenes relating the Mina/Dracula romance storyline, and the scene in which Mina seduces Van Helsing.

The repurposing of the battle footage to a dinner scene flashback was very smart and well executed. Throughout the whole edit there are a lot of innovative editing choices that you can greatly appreciate if you remember how the original played out.

The A/V editing at 46:25 is particularly notable. Very well done.

I'm incredibly impressed by this edit. Not a single scene, not even a single shot, is left untouched. The transitions between scenes are so well done that it feels like you're watching a modern, studio approved silent film. Overall, you can tell a lot of effort and attention to detail went into this. One of the most transformative edits I've ever seen.
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This is a really good fanedit; I'm a sucker for the idea of presenting/editing a film into a different style than its original form, and this edit is a very very good example of how to go about it.

Audio and video quality are both great - I haven't listened to the complete alternate score, but have no reason to assume there are any problems there.

The video editing is mostly very strong - the use of tinting was very nice, with a number of subtleties that helped sell the effect. Similarly, the styling on the titlecards and fades/transitions were very nice, and the film-aging effect was elegantly restrained, present without drawing undue attention to itself. Unfortunately, there are still some issues - while I really appreciate the font chosen, combined with the font size and titlecard duration it was almost impossible to read the entirety of any titlecards more than 2 lines long. Similarly some of the transitions felt hurried. I don't want to end this part on a negative note, though, so I'll mention here that there were a number of shots that were simply breathtaking as presented here - the flash of lightning when Harker is in the coach on the way to Dracula's castle is but one of many memorable images in this edit.

Narratively, I felt it was very good for someone already familiar with the story and Coppola's film (or Nosferatu, for that matter). The breakneck pace never lets up and actually becomes somewhat disorienting towards the end, with several shots in the climactic chase sequence feeling too short to be effective. Combined with the brevity of the intertitles, I suspect someone new to the material would have a hard time keeping up. In this regard it felt like some of the editing choices were made to suit the running time of the score rather than the narrative, which is rather unfortunate.

It may seem that I'm complaining a lot about this edit; that's not my intention. This edit is definitely worth viewing, flaws notwithstanding - if you like Coppola's film, or Murnau's Nosferatu, you will almost certainly derive a great deal of enjoyment from this edit. The fact that such a high standard has been achieved by a first-time editor is even more commendable; I look forward to seeing whatever Paulisdead turns their hand to next.
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One can never have too many Silent era productions.
Faneditor Paulisdead has not only rendered Coppolaā€™s 1992 Dracula into a silent movie, but he has distilled the running time to 51ā€˜, shorter than Murnauā€™s Nosferatu, as well as the 1931 Dracula.
I am going to nitpick away on this, but this is really an outstanding edit which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Video - 1280 X 720 AVC. Holy moly, at 4.5 GB, this is fat. The ā€œlookā€ is appropriate. A bit of jerkiness and undercranking, but not excessive. Silents suffered in later years because they were shown at too high a speed. Thank you for not going overboard with the damage (scratches, streaks). I would classify this as a late teens or early 20s Silent as opposed to a later 20s production. Some of the fadeouts were abrupt.

Clips from the ā€˜31 version were thoughtful and not intrusive. If there were any from the Mexican version I did not catch them. Nice use of tinting. There might have been more blue for night scenes, but I could appreciate the more subtle use of showing blue during lightning flashes.

Audio - 224 kbps AC3. 2 Channel stereo. I never listen to the Glass score when watching the ā€˜31, yet it was fine here. The themes and motifs matched the activity on the screen. Other editors who attempt Silents could learn from the choices here. The piano version of same score feels different. I enjoy that, as well. Hard to pick a favorite.

This is usually where I write ā€œNo Subs.ā€ Not this time. There are intertitles throughout. The font for larger header cards is ornate, for dialogue, less so. The intertitles are too brief and too small. The brevity might have been compensated for with a larger size. This was commented on while the edit was still in progress.

Narrative - The original clocked in at 2ā€˜ 8ā€œ. More than 50% has been cut. There is a real lack of cohesion in the story. I know FE members have seen (own) the ā€˜92 version. For anyone new to Dracula, this is too choppy, with poor characters. Renfield could have been omitted altogether, more time given to Dracula and the hunters. Bumping the running time to 60-75ā€œ might have fleshed out the tale, too. There were a couple stills inserted, one at 30.54, which were barely seen. This edit is breathless. The pace races and it is hard to take in at times.

Enjoyment - Oh, absolutely! This is extremely well done. Consider that this is also a first time edit. I sincerely hope Paulisdead continues editing and tackles other projects. One might think Iā€™m giving him a hard time, but that is not my intention. The flaws and omissions were small in comparison with the resultant film.

For Dracula fans, for Silent era fans, for folks who like variety in their fanedits, this is an excellent choice.

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I've been watching a lot of silent movies recently, so I was excited to see this edit. It did not disappoint and moves straight on to my personal list of best-ever-fanedits. The efforts taken to make this look, feel, play and "sound" like a silent movie were brilliantly accurate.

Audio/Video Quality: 10/10
I watched a 720p mkv and it looked fantastic. The pin-sharp blu-ray of the 1931 Dracula and Coppola's version are rendered well. The tinting, iris, fading, borders etc look very authentic

Visual Editing: 9/10
The best thing was seeing the seamless inter-cutting of the 1931 and 1992 films. It helps that Coppola used only silent-era techniques on the 1992 movie.

Audio Editing: 8/10
I'll give it an '8' since there wasn't any soundFX to deal with, or edit. However, the scoring was first class and always felt instep with the images. I didn't listen to the alternate score though but there's always next time!

Narrative: 8/10
It was very well put together and told, plus amiliarity with the famous story makes things easy to follow anyway. I'd have scored this higher if the pace was a bit slower. Longer to read the intertitles and take them in, and then longer to read the actors faces.

Enjoyment: 10/10
As I've said, to watch a fan silent movie, among many original ones was a treat. I'd love to see more fanedits like this, blending films from different eras, within the silent style framework (Hint... Nosferatu 1922, 1979, 2000)

If I had to criticise/nitpick... the text on the intertitles is too small (As I think everyone pointed out already in the ITW thread) and when that is combined with two elaborate fonts, it's not as easy to read as I'd like. Some of the intertitles stay on screen for only just enough time to read them and digest their meaning in context with the surrounding images. Also the tinting could have been pushed further. Many silents seem to have used a blue tint to denote night, or darkness, or used tints to convey setting and place, so I'd have liked to have seen some of that used. The "film particle" FX looked a bit fake at times (They looked like Vegas FX to me). Some genuine 35mm damage would have been better. If this was supposed to be genuinely a silent-era movie, there was way too much nudity (Some fleeting pre-code shots would be fine). These are all small problems though, compared to the overall enjoyment.

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I didn't know quite what to expect, but this was superb. Somehow the editor took a bloated mess of a film and turned it into a tight fast paced horror film. The fact that this was done and given the silent treatment is truly a work of art. Everything worked perfectly, this is vastly superior to the original source material. Anyone who likes silent movies should watch this. Anyone who likes Dracula should watch this. This edit is the perfect example of less is more..

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I loooove the Original Film in all its Glory and Weirdness.
And i have to say, this Version is not for everyone.
But if you have a deep love for the Coppola Film, and if you like me love the old original movies as well, this might be right up your alley.

2022 was my Vampire Year. I went on a hunt for Vampire Movies, old ones, newer ones, good ones and shaddy ones.
I just love the Theme and there are so many good films out there.
Naturally when i stumpled upon PaulĀ“s Cut i had to give it a go.

I was a total treat.
From the first screen, the old images mixed in the new ones, the colours and the Music:
all well put together.
The chosen Soundtrack is immaculas here, it fits very well. The Soundtrack on its own feels missing something, and with the Intentional use in Dracula 1931 its very good...but i felt it here more i have to say.

I always loved the Over the Edge production that Dracula was, although with time i have to admit, i wished for some better actor than Keanu in the lead, but hey...

This Version is a total different spin, a view only old movies had, and the idea of taking all the Bombast down to a Silent Movie, with great choice of Music is just wonderfull. But still weird as this cut tiks some boxes some viewers find strange.
The sudden Death of Dracula is mentioned in some reviews, but i saw a lot of other old Vampire Movies and ai have to say in most of them the Death of the Main Villian seems rushed, so in this spirit i did not mind.

Some Scenes and the work done is just amazing for a laymann like me.
Great editing choices.

I loved it every second, and it will not be the last time, that i see it.

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Being a fan of Coppola's Dracula interpretation and enjoying silent movies from time to time, I was 'dying' to see this edit. And I enjoyed it a lot. Besides the lower frame rate, sepia coloring and added film grain, even the aspect ratio was altered. And sometimes short in-between shots were removed, causing a jump in the 'continued' shot which is also very much a silent-movie characteristic.
I also applaud the insert shots from other Dracula movies (I presume the Legosi and Nosferatu, but I've seen both only once so I can't be sure). Especially replacing Coppola's castle with a more traditional one was to my liking. I respect Coppola's intent to avoid cliche's, but his castle was a bit too original for my taste.
The scene that impressed me most was the encounter between Mina and Dracula, with some shots not only in a different progression but sometimes even backward. Very well done indeed.
On a side note, this version made me aware of how strange the added love story for Dracula and Mina in Bram Stoker's Dracula actually is. After all, why would the count kill off the best friend of his lover, when there are countless (pun intended) other possible victims? This edit strips the story down to what Stoker wrote, and that's enough for an enjoyable outing in vampire-land.
Narrative-wise I have the same quarrel already mentioned by other reviewers: the title cards are too short, making it sometimes difficult to follow. And I also agree with other reviewers that Dracula's death comes to quick. I think that could be mended by adding the shot of the count in his last scene in the church, when he looks up into the light. Add that shot after the title card about how he seemed to smile when he died, and the audience gets a proper goodbye.

Apart from these narrative issues, I think this is a beautiful edit. The music by Glass works also well, which surprised me as I somehow didn't enjoy it in the Lugosi version. I can't however say that I like this version more than Coppola's original, because it is so completely different that it stands wholly on it's own. It's one of the most original, daring and inventive fan-edits I've seen so far - but I wouldn't mind to see a new version with the alterations mentioned above ;)

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From the first minute of this edit I knew I was going to love it. I've been a fan of the Stoker novel and Coppola's film since I was a kid, so I agree with the other reviewers that the narrative is probably incoherent to those unfamiliar with the story.

I absolutely loved the use of the Glass score, and the intertitles were well chosen and kept up a nice brisk pace. I agree with exile81 that the ending was a bit abrupt, but I also enjoyed the idea that the film ends in such a breathless way.

This is a go-to Halloween watch for me from now on. I can't believe this was a first edit. Way to go Paulisdead2221!

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This fanedit may not be for everyone but I sure enjoyed the hell out of it.Presentation is top notch, loved the soundtrack (a alternate version is available.) My only problem is the abrupt ending I believe this can be solved by reinstating the original ending,Dracula looking at Mina's photo during his first interactions with Harker. Some of Dracula's interactions with Mina (For example their first encounter.). Just my opinion though

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