Captain Marvel: Where's the Love

9.6 (25)
4521 2 6
Faneditor Name:
Original Movie/Show Title:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
124 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
124 minutes
Time Cut:
7 minutes
Time Added:
7 minutes
Subtitles Available:
Available in HD:
Carol was disliked by many including me, a girl. Didn't feel like a positive feminist role model. I wanted to see something I could relate to better. so....
This is a story all about how, an amnesiac Kree Starforce operative with mysterious powers, discovers her true past and slowly learns that her emotions can set her free from the shackles of those she once considered allies.
To make Carol more likeable. A lot of people had an issue with anti-male sentiments in this movie. Some people didn't notice it, but for other people it stuck out like a sore thumb. My intent is to apply ointment to the sore thumb of this movie. To give it some love and allow love to reflect back out. Sorry about the silly analogy, but I am a girl and I didn't feel empowered by this movie. I feel much more empowered by strength through love, and so I tried to take the movie in this direction. Emphasis on emotions and friendships.

I also received a request to remove Fury losing his eye due to a scratch. He still gets scratched, but I made it a point to show his eye healed afterwards in a mid credits scene. Since Goose is in Fury's office, it is still possible he gets scratched by Goose again so if people like that part then it can still have happened after the events of this movie.
Additional Notes:
updated January 2024
Other Sources:
cat clip -
Music - "Violet" by Hole
static noise -
Special Thanks:
lapis molari
Other members of Fanedit forums
Other members of TheOriginalTrilogy forums
Release Information:
Special Features:
dolby prologic II audio
English Subtitles
Editing Details:
Removing music is hard. Don't do it unless you really have to!!
When cutting two shots together, motion is important. I felt this was important when removing Carols stupid scream. If I had not got the movement right, that cut would have been very jarring.
Cuts and Additions:
Colour graded entire movie to reflect Carol's emotional state.
Added visual effects to reflect when Carol's implant was subduing her powers.
Switched Carol and Yon Rogg door scene, to a deleted scene of Yon Rogg teaching children. (added vfx in too)
Trimmed train scene due to redundancies in the dialogue caused by teaching scene.
Removed Carol needlessly insulting her Kree colleague.
Inserted deleted scene showing more upbeat and friendly interaction with Kree colleagues.
reframed various shots on Torfa to make the sequence clearer.
On skrull ship, during memory search, cut some parts where she was obviously being 'put down by men'.
Removed Carol screaming at skrull. it was stupid.
Removed 'cockpit' comment on skrull monitor.
Turned 'Ma Bell' into radio static and distortion.
Removed Carol telling Fury "you finally asked a relevant question"
Removed Biker "how about a smile?"
Removed Fury and 'Keller' looking under autopsy blanket.
Removed "noble warrior heroes", the way she said it was too smarmy.
Removed Carols smirk and "huh" just before the "welcome wagon" in the pegasus facility.
Inserted flashback to memories of Goose when they meet up with Goose in the corridor.
Inserted a few relevant flashbacks when Carol is studying the files on the crash.
Replaced Yon Rogg/Ronan scene with deleted scene of 'Keller' talking about tracking the plane.
Re-inserted Yon Rogg/Ronan scene midway through the scene in Marie's house so as to make it feel like she was there longer.
Inserted a shot of 'Goose' at the cut back to Marie's house. (from stock footage)
Inserted some warm memory flashbacks when Carol is looking at old photos....
Inserted an unpleasant 'memory' of the 'Skrull' shooting Lawson, just before there is a knock on the door, to introduce more tension.
Inserted scene of Yonn Rogg talking to supreme intelligence to show just how intimidating the supreme intelligence can be.
Removed Carol saying " reached blah blah altitude" to replace with a meaningful glance.
Removed shots of scanning Fury where he said "human male, threat low to none",
Reduced volume of "come as you are". it just seemed way too loud to me.
Removed memory of bike crash and baseball. these seem to serve only to suggest "she's clumsy because she's a girl". extended the gocart clip just to pad this out for the dialogue.
Completely replaced montage of "Carol standing up because she's realised she's allowed to" with a montage of "Carol reflects on her friendships and realises her emotions give her strength".
Removed "just a girl" and replaced it with "violet" by 'Hole'.
Removed horrible effects shot of carol falling towards the ground. It was just ugly XD
Removed Carol's line to Yon Rogg "I have nothing to prove to you".
Removed Talos' reaction to Goose scratching Fury's eye. Now it is not indicated that This is the cause of his lost eye.
Removed Maria's line asking Fury about his eye.
Removed final scene to reinsert it as a mid credits scene
Mid credits scene features part of a deleted scene of Fury walking to his office with both eyes intact.
Obligatory edit of the end credits.
Sample Clip

Faneditor Name:
Original Movie/Show Title:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
124 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
124 minutes
Time Cut:
7 minutes
Time Added:
7 minutes
Subtitles Available:
Available in HD:
Carol was disliked by many including me, a girl. Didn't feel like a positive feminist role model. I wanted to see something I could relate to better. so....
This is a story all about how, an amnesiac Kree Starforce operative with mysterious powers, discovers her true past and slowly learns that her emotions can set her free from the shackles of those she once considered allies.
To make Carol more likeable. A lot of people had an issue with anti-male sentiments in this movie. Some people didn't notice it, but for other people it stuck out like a sore thumb. My intent is to apply ointment to the sore thumb of this movie. To give it some love and allow love to reflect back out. Sorry about the silly analogy, but I am a girl and I didn't feel empowered by this movie. I feel much more empowered by strength through love, and so I tried to take the movie in this direction. Emphasis on emotions and friendships.

I also received a request to remove Fury losing his eye due to a scratch. He still gets scratched, but I made it a point to show his eye healed afterwards in a mid credits scene. Since Goose is in Fury's office, it is still possible he gets scratched by Goose again so if people like that part then it can still have happened after the events of this movie.
Additional Notes:
updated January 2024
Other Sources:
cat clip -
Music - "Violet" by Hole
static noise -
Special Thanks:
lapis molari
Other members of Fanedit forums
Other members of TheOriginalTrilogy forums
Release Information:
Special Features:
dolby prologic II audio
English Subtitles
Editing Details:
Removing music is hard. Don't do it unless you really have to!!
When cutting two shots together, motion is important. I felt this was important when removing Carols stupid scream. If I had not got the movement right, that cut would have been very jarring.
Cuts and Additions:
Colour graded entire movie to reflect Carol's emotional state.
Added visual effects to reflect when Carol's implant was subduing her powers.
Switched Carol and Yon Rogg door scene, to a deleted scene of Yon Rogg teaching children. (added vfx in too)
Trimmed train scene due to redundancies in the dialogue caused by teaching scene.
Removed Carol needlessly insulting her Kree colleague.
Inserted deleted scene showing more upbeat and friendly interaction with Kree colleagues.
reframed various shots on Torfa to make the sequence clearer.
On skrull ship, during memory search, cut some parts where she was obviously being 'put down by men'.
Removed Carol screaming at skrull. it was stupid.
Removed 'cockpit' comment on skrull monitor.
Turned 'Ma Bell' into radio static and distortion.
Removed Carol telling Fury "you finally asked a relevant question"
Removed Biker "how about a smile?"
Removed Fury and 'Keller' looking under autopsy blanket.
Removed "noble warrior heroes", the way she said it was too smarmy.
Removed Carols smirk and "huh" just before the "welcome wagon" in the pegasus facility.
Inserted flashback to memories of Goose when they meet up with Goose in the corridor.
Inserted a few relevant flashbacks when Carol is studying the files on the crash.
Replaced Yon Rogg/Ronan scene with deleted scene of 'Keller' talking about tracking the plane.
Re-inserted Yon Rogg/Ronan scene midway through the scene in Marie's house so as to make it feel like she was there longer.
Inserted a shot of 'Goose' at the cut back to Marie's house. (from stock footage)
Inserted some warm memory flashbacks when Carol is looking at old photos....
Inserted an unpleasant 'memory' of the 'Skrull' shooting Lawson, just before there is a knock on the door, to introduce more tension.
Inserted scene of Yonn Rogg talking to supreme intelligence to show just how intimidating the supreme intelligence can be.
Removed Carol saying " reached blah blah altitude" to replace with a meaningful glance.
Removed shots of scanning Fury where he said "human male, threat low to none",
Reduced volume of "come as you are". it just seemed way too loud to me.
Removed memory of bike crash and baseball. these seem to serve only to suggest "she's clumsy because she's a girl". extended the gocart clip just to pad this out for the dialogue.
Completely replaced montage of "Carol standing up because she's realised she's allowed to" with a montage of "Carol reflects on her friendships and realises her emotions give her strength".
Removed "just a girl" and replaced it with "violet" by 'Hole'.
Removed horrible effects shot of carol falling towards the ground. It was just ugly XD
Removed Carol's line to Yon Rogg "I have nothing to prove to you".
Removed Talos' reaction to Goose scratching Fury's eye. Now it is not indicated that This is the cause of his lost eye.
Removed Maria's line asking Fury about his eye.
Removed final scene to reinsert it as a mid credits scene
Mid credits scene features part of a deleted scene of Fury walking to his office with both eyes intact.
Obligatory edit of the end credits.
Cover art by tremault (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Sample Clip

Trusted Reviewer review

1 review
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Visual Editing
This is one of the rare FanFixes that not only improves the original film, but turns it from something I rather grudgingly watched into something I really enjoy.

With calculated trims and insertion of some excellent deleted scenes, the movie is made far more consistent, and Carol is turned into a more likeable, admirable, and heroic character. Most importantly, she isn't strong because she's fed up with men telling her what to do, she's strong because she finds connection with people, and she stands up against those who would try to divide us against each other. My feelings about the film overall and its original vibe are written in more detail here:

I will try to only speak in MINOR SPOILERS here when I describe the film's changes. Firstly, early on we get a scene with Carol and Yon-Rog talking with and training some Kree kids. (All these deleted scenes are now in HD btw, virtually indistinguishable from the theatrical cut.) It helps to flesh out the society and allows Brie Larson to show some more personality in a friendly, relaxed situation. There's also an extended cut of their conversation after training where she jokes that when Yon-Rog visits the Supreme Intelligence, it probably takes the form of himself. And after this, there's a brief deleted scene with Carol and the Starforce joking around before their mission a bit. And there are many small trims to lines here and there where Carol seemed arrogant or looking-for-a-fight. The net effect is that early in the film, we have a better chance to bond with our heroine, and she shows more of these emotions that Yon-Rog is always telling her to control. Whereas before, she hardly showed any emotion at all!

On the Skrull ship, Earth, and thereafter, there are many small trims to moments that seemed incongruous or just made Carol come off poorly. She doesn't scream at a Skrull, doesn't confront a comicly-misogynistic biker, doesn't get interrupted by the operator when rigging up an interstellar communication device with Radio Shack parts and a payphone. Her interactions with Fury are improved too, becoming less antagonistic and arrogant. And flashback scenes are added when she visits Maria, so that we start feeling she's missing that sense of connection, of her friends and family. And Goose! I have to admit, on this recent rewatch, this brief bit of fanediting fully got me feeling the feels.

Speaking of Goose, his little scratch is just that, and a bit of movie magic prevents it from affecting Fury too much. The big ship fight is now accompanied with "Violet" by Hole rather than the very on-the-nose "I'm Just a Girl" by No Doubt. The deleted scene where Yon-Rog visits the Supreme Intelligence is reinstated, and it pays off that discussion from the beginning of the film. And then when Carol needs to stand up and fight back at the end, it's not to a montage of men putting her down, it's to a montage of all the human connections she built that the Kree wiped from her and took away from her. She reclaims her feelings in a positive way rather than the cynical, damaged p.o.v. of the theatrical release.

The end result is a real triumph. It reveals that there's lots of good acting in this movie, from Larson in particular, and there's a great story here, too. I have to blame the vison and directing of Fleck and Boden for this one. With some better editing and scene choices, (as well as different color grading and audio in parts of the film), Larson lives up to her heroic name here, and the film becomes worthy of being Marvel's first heroine. One of my favorite FanFixes on the site, and highly recommended for those who had an issue with the original tone, or just anyone looking for a great sci-fi flick!

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I just want to say I loved, LOVED this edit. The movie in theaters was really lackluster but this made it much much better. I liked how you have made Yan Rogg a good guy longer, it feels like a good twist now. And we follow Carol's emotional journey which feels satisfying. thanks for keeping all the cat scenes, as a cat person.

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(Updated: April 14, 2024)
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Visual Editing
I'm a fan of the original (even if Carol is introduced as quite an unlikable person) seeing as it was the first female-led MCU project. I'm a girl that's rooting for more female superheroes, sue me. Tremault's edit did what Marvel should've, cut out the BS and all the poorly executed sarcasm and turn it into a well-rounded intro to a badass. I loved the color change that came with the flashbacks and especially appreciated that we got to see them in real time. Above all, the replacement of the young Carols standing up in various settings montage has to be one of my favorite changes of this edit. That HAD to go. As she'd intended to do with this cut, Tremault made Carol Danvers far less bitter-sounding and succeeded in making her likable.

As for the negatives, the blur effect meant to portray the implants interference with Carol's abilities seemed a little random and I wouldn't have known what the intent of it was without reading the 'Changes' list. Initially I thought it was meant to highlight her heightened emotions. Next, there were 2 instances where scenes seemed misplaced: the Starforce crew's deleted scene before descending to Torfa starts at an awkward spot ("Was there every any doubt?"), and the strange placement of Yon-Rogg's long conversation with Ronan meant to cover the time it took for Carol to walk from the stove to the table also felt strange. Another slight blunder was the distorted call from the phone booth to Yon-Rogg, which felt a bit clunky, I think this might have been avoided if lines hadn't been repeated and is fairly minor, and probably entirely personal preference. My final mention is in regards to the volume of the replaced montage. Most of the lines are nearly drowned out by the music and I'm not entirely sure what the intention was here. Were we supposed to hear some of it, all of it or none of it?

Even with the list of negatives, I thoroughly enjoyed this edit, have already watched it three times. and I would absolutely recommend it.

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(Updated: November 06, 2023)
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An excellent edit of Captain Marvel that streamlines the movie tonally. This edit removes any references to sexism that Carol Danvers faces, and tones down some of her meaner moments. While I think there is a really interesting story that Marvel could have told about Carol coming to terms with being from a planet that treats her gender poorly, the sexism is never actually addressed as part of the story and just ends up feeling tacked on. Removing it helps bring the focus back to Carol and her quest for her memories. Same with the underlying girl power motif. This could have been fun if Disney had leaned into it, but instead it's random appearances feel out of place in a movie that is clearly about something else.

The editor made a couple other fantastic changes. Flashbacks are now desaturated. This distinct visual look actually helped make the flashback sequences play better giving them a more mysterious quality. I was surprised by just how effective this trick was.

The other massive change is to the opening structure of the movie. Jude Law is given a new introduction, and most of the Kree home world scenes have been played with. This is the first time I believed Carol was an accepted part of that world, and I found myself more engaged with the movie than I ever have been before. It is a huge improvement in every way, making her relationship with Jude Law much more engaging.

Unfortunately, the second half of the movie still suffers from some script problems that are outside of the editor's control. Carol still has a limited emotional arc, and surprisingly cares very little that for her old friends the Kree or that they lied. There is a lovely change to Carol reconnecting with her memories that the editor added. Using some of the flashback footage we can see Carol start to connect with her memories far better than in the theatrical version. I really liked this change, and actually thought the editor could have pushed it a little further. It goes a long way towards fixing an area of the movie that really lacks character development. Unfortunately, what the back half of the film needs is additional footage that simply doesn't exist. But the editor did a fantastic job with limited resources here.

All that said, this is far superior to the theatrical version. The edits are smooth and unnoticeable. There were one or two moments where I thought the dialogue was a bit loud, but otherwise this was a very sound edit from a technical perspective.

If you want some Captain Marvel in your life, this is the version to watch.

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Captain Marvel was a film I only watched once in theaters. I thought it was fine typical Marvel blockbuster filmmaking and the amnesia storyline made Carol the least interesting character of the bunch, a cypher for the audience, in a mystery that's a little obvious.

This fanedit attempts to restore some of Carol’s search for humanity, and instead of the film being about rising up against men, it’s about discovering her human connections, her adopted family (her friend and “niece”, her mentor in the original Captain Marvell, and comrade in Nick Fury).

Carol is more human here and less of a cypher than before. The amnesia story is still there but she’s not nearly as stand-offish as she was in the theatrical cut. Instead the relationship between her and the rest of her colleagues and her mentor feels like a crew that work together. A crew that cares about each other. Even the seeds of distrust between her and Fury are slowly melted to give way to what's most important about Captain Marvel her humanity.

Not only that the fanedit connects to the wider story of the Kree and Skrulls and the humanitarian element in line there. Carol throughout the film is a noble warrior and humanitarian and, even when questioning who to trust, she never loses these characteristics.

With a few little tweaks, cuts, utilizing deleted scenes, and some nice color corrections, the film comes out feeling stronger thematically overall as it ties all the lost memories to people rather than a “girl power” facade. Instead of the most emotional moment being one associated with Maria Rambeau, it’s associated with Carol remembering her humanity (throughout her short time reconnecting on earth) and it’s immensely powerful.

While this is still one of the weaker Marvel films, it's a vast improvement over the original film

Film Rating: 2.5
Fanedit Rating: 3

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Finally getting around to reviewing this. I caught an early version a while back and this has been immensely improved with the audio quality. I really disliked this movie the first time I watched it and I left it out whenever I wanted to watch Marvel movies again. Tremault did an amazing job of making this movie enjoyable! I was actually invested in the movie instead of wanting to go on my phone.

I always praise edits of Marvel movies that trim down the over the top humor and it's done perfectly here. The serious moments have their time, and the better humor gets to breath and land.

Pacing of the movie for the most part is great. Everything up until we get to Earth flows so nicely. I think the Earth scenes could have been trimmed some as it still slows when we are there, but I'm not sure what could be trimmed. The end fight feels a lot better when you actually like Carol. The movie starts and ends strongly.

Overall tremendous work, I'm looking forward to watching your Shang Chi and Thor edits!
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