Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: Planet of the Slave Girls - Slavery & Sorcery

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Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: Planet of the Slave Girls - Slavery & Sorcery
Faneditor Name:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
97 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
100 minutes
Time Added:
3 minutes
Available in HD:
Buck’s thirst for adventure overcomes his longing for the past. Buck, Wilma, Duke, and Brigadier Gordon (a wonderful guest-role by Buster Crabbe, who played Buck Rogers in the 1930s) must find and stop the villains who poison the Directorate’s pilots: a sorcerer (Jack Palance chews the scenery gloriously) and his slave army, hiding in a mountain stronghold.
The buddy-flick energy between Buck and Not-Tom-Jones is an enjoyable addition to Buck's many female co-stars and the only one until Hawk in season 2 (Dr Huer is wonderful, but not Buck's buddy).
The story is extended with a flashback to emphasize Buck’s discomfort as the Man Out Of Time (trimmed from a later episode). The final battle is expanded to improve flow. Continuity errors are fixed (spaceships don’t change shape or numbers in mid-flight!). Jennifer’s photo is inserted for continuity. Repetitive shots are replaced. Duke’s unexplained Translight and Buck’s lamest lines are cut.
Special Thanks:
Everyone for their enthusiasm for the previous installment in this series! Thanks to Zarius for feedback. Special shout-out to composer Johnny Harris for writing the perfect score for this adventure: upbeat, exciting, hypnotic.
Release Information:
Special Features:
Video: 1080p (4:3)
Audio: dual mono
Subtitles: English subtitles

Bonus Features:
Interviews with Gil Gerard, Erin Gray, Felix Silla, Tim O’Connor, and Buster Crabbe (separate PDFs).
Cuts and Additions:
- More attention for the Man Out Of Time feeling: Add pre-credits scene of Buck going to sleep in his apartment and dreaming of his life in the 1980s. We meet his friend Toby and girlfriend Jennifer.
- Less campy: Cut a few lame joke lines from Theo and Twiki.
- Less campy: Mute / trim some of Buck's lamest and sleaziest lines. E.g. Buck no longer has to "uphold his reputation" as a lady's man. He no longer "created a monster" when Wilma kicks ass. She was capable of doing that long before he arrived, thank you very much. Buck no longer tells Kaleel he "knows a good lawyer". Really? Are there even lawyers in the 25th century? Buck didn't get one during his trial in the first movie.
- Add continuity: Insert the shot of Jennifer's photo, when Wilma picks up the photo in Buck's apartment.
- Fix continuity (throughout the movie, especially during the final battle): Replace shots of wrong (Hatchet fighter) spaceships with correct (Scorpion) spaceships (using shots from other episodes). Add Starfighter and Scorpion spaceships where needed to make the numbers correct.
- Logic: Mute Duke's "well" in "well beyond the Stargate". It's enough to be beyond the Stargate.
- Logic: Trim Duke's "translight" speed. The concept was inconsistent with spaceship abilities on the show and was never mentioned again. It was a cop-out.
- Improved flow: Increased the suspense by delaying the reveal of Desert Nomads discovering the crashed Starfighter. Now you have time to catch your breath between the excitement of the crash and this new danger to Buck and Duke, giving a false sense of safety while they're walking through the desert. Only the Nomads reveal is delayed, their battle remains in its original place.
- Improved flow: Reworked the final space battle in space. Replaced wrong spaceships, replaced many repetitive shots (with alternate and more dynamic shots from later episodes). Added ships and action shots to increase the scale of the battle. Rescored sound effects and music in most of the changed shots to keep the excellent music correct.
Final Battle (Password: fanedit.org)

Faneditor Name:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
97 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
100 minutes
Time Added:
3 minutes
Available in HD:
Buck’s thirst for adventure overcomes his longing for the past. Buck, Wilma, Duke, and Brigadier Gordon (a wonderful guest-role by Buster Crabbe, who played Buck Rogers in the 1930s) must find and stop the villains who poison the Directorate’s pilots: a sorcerer (Jack Palance chews the scenery gloriously) and his slave army, hiding in a mountain stronghold.
The buddy-flick energy between Buck and Not-Tom-Jones is an enjoyable addition to Buck's many female co-stars and the only one until Hawk in season 2 (Dr Huer is wonderful, but not Buck's buddy).
The story is extended with a flashback to emphasize Buck’s discomfort as the Man Out Of Time (trimmed from a later episode). The final battle is expanded to improve flow. Continuity errors are fixed (spaceships don’t change shape or numbers in mid-flight!). Jennifer’s photo is inserted for continuity. Repetitive shots are replaced. Duke’s unexplained Translight and Buck’s lamest lines are cut.
Special Thanks:
Everyone for their enthusiasm for the previous installment in this series! Thanks to Zarius for feedback. Special shout-out to composer Johnny Harris for writing the perfect score for this adventure: upbeat, exciting, hypnotic.
Release Information:
Special Features:
Video: 1080p (4:3)
Audio: dual mono
Subtitles: English subtitles

Bonus Features:
Interviews with Gil Gerard, Erin Gray, Felix Silla, Tim O’Connor, and Buster Crabbe (separate PDFs).
Cuts and Additions:
- More attention for the Man Out Of Time feeling: Add pre-credits scene of Buck going to sleep in his apartment and dreaming of his life in the 1980s. We meet his friend Toby and girlfriend Jennifer.
- Less campy: Cut a few lame joke lines from Theo and Twiki.
- Less campy: Mute / trim some of Buck's lamest and sleaziest lines. E.g. Buck no longer has to "uphold his reputation" as a lady's man. He no longer "created a monster" when Wilma kicks ass. She was capable of doing that long before he arrived, thank you very much. Buck no longer tells Kaleel he "knows a good lawyer". Really? Are there even lawyers in the 25th century? Buck didn't get one during his trial in the first movie.
- Add continuity: Insert the shot of Jennifer's photo, when Wilma picks up the photo in Buck's apartment.
- Fix continuity (throughout the movie, especially during the final battle): Replace shots of wrong (Hatchet fighter) spaceships with correct (Scorpion) spaceships (using shots from other episodes). Add Starfighter and Scorpion spaceships where needed to make the numbers correct.
- Logic: Mute Duke's "well" in "well beyond the Stargate". It's enough to be beyond the Stargate.
- Logic: Trim Duke's "translight" speed. The concept was inconsistent with spaceship abilities on the show and was never mentioned again. It was a cop-out.
- Improved flow: Increased the suspense by delaying the reveal of Desert Nomads discovering the crashed Starfighter. Now you have time to catch your breath between the excitement of the crash and this new danger to Buck and Duke, giving a false sense of safety while they're walking through the desert. Only the Nomads reveal is delayed, their battle remains in its original place.
- Improved flow: Reworked the final space battle in space. Replaced wrong spaceships, replaced many repetitive shots (with alternate and more dynamic shots from later episodes). Added ships and action shots to increase the scale of the battle. Rescored sound effects and music in most of the changed shots to keep the excellent music correct.
Cover art by lapis molari (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Final Battle (Password: fanedit.org)

User reviews

5 reviews
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Overall rating
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Visual Editing
another buck rogers edit knocked out of the park. lapis molari, you did another awesome job. i will be putting these on dvds with cover and disc art to sit on the shelf with my dvds of the series i bought years ago and cant wait on the others you plan on doing

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Overall rating
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Loads of fun. Lapis Morali has done a great edit, making fine use of flashbacks and tweaks, to deliver a film that has it all: Buster Crabbe in a nice cameo, Erin Grey in some rather nice outfits, and Jack Palance chewing up the scenery and stealing the show as the evil Kaleel, Also, Buster and Buck teaming up.

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Buck has always been enjoyable fun for me, while I can still admit some of the shows flaws. One of those flaws was not just the reuse of special effects (which is necessary in scifi tv)... but the lack of continuity between direct shots. The Draconian shuttle is later used as an everyday shuttle in the series... the launch tubes all look like the Draconian launch tubes! (Which let's face it, that shot looked great!) Or you see a shuttle launch and it is one model, and then you see it flying away and clearly another model. So why did I ramble about all of that? Cause this edit fixes a big chunk of that in the final battle. I remember watching as a kid and wondering why they are fighting bad guys in one specific ship, but when it explodes is suddenly a Draconian Marauder! Now the big battle at the end uses the correct Scorpion fighters.

Also, really liking the pattern of flashbacks in the beginning of these movies. In this it helps give a bit more of a serious tone to Buck, and more of the "man out of time" that he had in the pilot movie. Also removing some of the more over the top jokes helps in tone quite a bit. One of the other things also addressed here is the treatment of Wilma. Through the series it was always odd that it was Buck teaching her things like self defense, how to fly a ship, combat tactics, etc. She was the head of Earth Defenses for heaven sake! So removing one line from Buck "teaching" her judo totally changed the scene to where it comes off as Buck completely underestimated her, and she knew it all along.

So for me, a completely enjoyable edit that keeps all the fun, with the right amount of course correction here and there. Now onto Plot to Kill a City! Many thanks for this.
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This is the second Buck Rogers in the 25th Century movie (following Awakening). Originally broadcast as a 2-part adventure, this one was straight to TV, broadcast on two separate weeks.

The former story, "Awakening," served both as a big screen movie and a two-part pilot. There were some variations in scenes between the movie and broadcast versions, and Lapis Molari did a fabulous job integrating various scenes and fleshing out the overall narrative in that one.

Now we have the next installment, and the result is fantastic! First, he is utilizing Blu-Ray quality source material, so if you have the DVDs as originally released in Region 1, this is already an improvement. Next, the editing is seamless. This version cleans a handful of continuity issues, cringeworthy moments, and creates a fabulous sequel to the first movie.

I consider Buck Rogers in the 25th Century one of my all-time favorite television shows and the treatment this story received makes me VERY happy! LOVED IT!

More, please!

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This edit provides yet another bang for your Buck (oh me and my puns), a lot of very professional adjustments are made to this version, you would think it was a minimalist edit given how seamless it all meshes. The final battle changes in particular were a delight as the use of shots from other episodes are used to enhance, add, replace and improve on the established shots in a very creative way. There are also continuity patches that show a considerate attention to detail and respect for the audience's intelligence. This is definitely one of the best Buck Rogers edits you'll find out there.
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