
9.5 (5)
2817 1 0
Faneditor Name:
Original Movie/Show Title:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
100 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
62 minutes
Time Cut:
38 minutes
Available in HD:
This edit cuts 37 and a half minutes reducing the run time from 1:40 to 1:02:27 and jumps straight into the action leaving a tighter paced, less sentimental film about a boy having to brave the savage wilderness to to save his life and the life of his father.
With an woeful 11% on Rotten Tomatoes and 4.8 on IMDb After Earth is widely considered a stinker. Critics felt it was a dull, ploddingly paced exercise in sentimental sci-fi written by Will Smith solely to bootstrap Jaden Smith's movie career. It being such a maligned film is the very reason I decided to buy a copy as I wanted to whether I could do something with the footage. After watching it I was surprised at how much I enjoyed its central ideas and so the aim was to reduce, as much as possible the weaker elements and produce a lean, TV length edit which championed this film's strengths.
Special Thanks:
Special thanks to Boazz750, Trez75 and Orchidal for taking the time to preview this and provide me with some fantastic feedback.
Release Information:
Editing Details:
All edits were done in Lightworks 14.5 with the media converted using MakeMKV and Handbrake
Cuts and Additions:
Cut list:
Added Netflix style fanedit logo
Added Malthus Fanedits Card
Removed entire first act up to the meteor shower (-15mins)
Added a title card post crash
Truncated waking up sequence to remove stilted editing
Removed Spider sequence
Removed line "I like it but I think it's bad"
Removed Flashback during injection
Removed Cake flashback
Removed first ghosting monologue
Removed almost all of the raft dream sequence. Keeping only the wake up! jump scare
Removed Jaden's cave mathematics montage
Removed the mountain top fight
Removed slow-mo shots in medical bay
Removed reference to "mom's work" as it referred to an removed scene and it was a forced joke
Faneditor Name:
Original Movie/Show Title:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
100 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
62 minutes
Time Cut:
38 minutes
Available in HD:
This edit cuts 37 and a half minutes reducing the run time from 1:40 to 1:02:27 and jumps straight into the action leaving a tighter paced, less sentimental film about a boy having to brave the savage wilderness to to save his life and the life of his father.
With an woeful 11% on Rotten Tomatoes and 4.8 on IMDb After Earth is widely considered a stinker. Critics felt it was a dull, ploddingly paced exercise in sentimental sci-fi written by Will Smith solely to bootstrap Jaden Smith's movie career. It being such a maligned film is the very reason I decided to buy a copy as I wanted to whether I could do something with the footage. After watching it I was surprised at how much I enjoyed its central ideas and so the aim was to reduce, as much as possible the weaker elements and produce a lean, TV length edit which championed this film's strengths.
Special Thanks:
Special thanks to Boazz750, Trez75 and Orchidal for taking the time to preview this and provide me with some fantastic feedback.
Release Information:
Editing Details:
All edits were done in Lightworks 14.5 with the media converted using MakeMKV and Handbrake
Cuts and Additions:
Cut list:
Added Netflix style fanedit logo
Added Malthus Fanedits Card
Removed entire first act up to the meteor shower (-15mins)
Added a title card post crash
Truncated waking up sequence to remove stilted editing
Removed Spider sequence
Removed line "I like it but I think it's bad"
Removed Flashback during injection
Removed Cake flashback
Removed first ghosting monologue
Removed almost all of the raft dream sequence. Keeping only the wake up! jump scare
Removed Jaden's cave mathematics montage
Removed the mountain top fight
Removed slow-mo shots in medical bay
Removed reference to "mom's work" as it referred to an removed scene and it was a forced joke

Trusted Reviewer review

1 review
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Fixing this travesty of a film is no easy feat. This edit is insurmountably superior compared to the theatrical cut - the pacing is much better, much of the kitsch is gone, and the chosen narrative is comprehensible and well defined. I particularly approve of the removal of any mentioning of ghosting (and especially the terrible monologue about fear not being real).

As I mentioned in the forum discussion, I have three major issues with the narrative, which affected my enjoyment from the edit. I felt the narrative could be made stronger by restoring most of Zoƫ Kravitz's scenes, by removing all explicit references to Earth (except the whales at the end), and by trimming improbable moments (especially the bird segment).

The visual and audio quality and editing are superb, as always.

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User reviews

5 reviews
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
I wasn't even able to finish the original and I was very excited for the movie overall. This type of film is generally right in my wheelhouse. This fan edit helps speed things along and helps focus on what good pieces Malthus had to work with. Bring a new focus to the action that should have been the backbone of this movie to begin with. If you were excited for the original and let down then this may be the edit for you.

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Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Haven't seen the original in forever, but I really liked this edit. I still don't care for the characters too much and the narrative isn't helped a ton, but at least I'm not bored ever in the movie. It's crazy fast paced and fun the entire time now. Definitely recommend this edit for anyone interested in this movie

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Overall rating
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Visual Editing
I saw the original way back when it came out, but not since then. I don't really remember much about it, except that I did not care too much for it. This version was pretty decent. Not great, but considering what Malthus had to work, I think he did a very good job. He turned a "did not care much for it" into a good movie that is non-stop action, pretty much throughout. Nice job.

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Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Fixing this film is no easy feat but Malthus has done a great job of editing to improve this over the original. By removing the backstory, flashbacks and the bland dialogue this edit gets right into the action and doesn't stop until the end. I would much prefer to watch this version and I would definitely recommend this over the original for anyone wanting to rewatch or a first time viewer.
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Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
While I don't believe this edit fixes all of the issues with the original film, I do believe it fixes most of them. Much of the bland and wooden dialogue is removed along with almost all of the backstory and flashbacks. This make the fan edit have better and more consistent pacing than that of the original film. The edits were well done and there were no video or audio issues that I noticed which produced a high quality viewing experience.

There were some questionable material that was left in the edit. Such as the rapidly freezing temperature that doesn't really make much sense along with an animal sacrificing itself on a planet that is supposedly populated with things evolved to kill humans. These things are subjective and while I would have taken them out, the editor decided to keep them in. This is not a flaw in the edit but in the original film. The only thing that was removed that I think could have benefited the edit is the final fight with the ursa. While I understand why it was removed, it creates an abrupt end to the main characters journey and is a little anticlimactic. All these things are why I ranked the narrative so low.

However, there were many things that were done right which improved this version over the original. As previously mentioned the removal of the dialogue and the backstory help with pacing. By removing the backstory, the edit gets right into the action and doesn't stop until the end. Also by removing much of the dialogue the acting also seems to have improved immensely. I would much prefer to watch this version over the original so in that case I do believe that this edit did indeed mostly "fix" the film.

I would recommend this edit.

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