Star Trek: Bugs

7.5 (2)
7.7 (19)
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Star Trek: Bugs
Faneditor Name:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
1966 / 1997
Original Running Time:
N/A minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
40 minutes
On a routine visit to distant colony an unknown weapon attacks the Enterprise. Kirk is forced to battle with hordes of Bugs and Spock is fatally wounded. Can Kirk stop the invasion and at what price?
The idea to do this FanEdit came while I was watching a Star Trek episode called “Arena”. In this episode Kirk fires a mortar and it struck me that it would be quite amusing if it was combined with the incredible rolling explosion from Starship Troopers.

After much thought I felt a complete Star Trek/Starship Troopers FanEdit would be impossible. Persevering, I went so far as to cut Starship Troopers to just the Bugs Shots and was surprised at how few usable ones there were.

The idea would not leave me alone, so I started to cut together some action scenes. They seemed to work, so I constructed a story around them, which I hope is amusing in itself. Also I hope this will be enjoyed for what it is and not taken at all seriously. I have edited with care so as not to reflect negatively upon the Original Classic Star Trek series, Paramount or Paul Verhoeven’s Starship Troopers.
Release Information:
Special Features:
Ver2.0 (PAL format dvd)
Editing Details:
Star Trek Footage

- Opening Titles from Series Two
- The Man Trap
- Shore Leave
- Arena
- Devil In The Dark
- The Changeling
- The Cloud Minders
- City On The Edge Of Forever
- Galileo Seven
- Metamorphosis
- Friday’s Child
- A Private Little War
- Who Mourns For Adonais?
- New End Credits with Season Two Music

Note: I used a few more episodes. Trek-Heads can have some fun spotting the shows.

Starship Troopers Footage

- Bug shots
DVD Cover Bugs DVD Cover Size
Faneditor Name:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
1966 / 1997
Original Running Time:
N/A minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
40 minutes
On a routine visit to distant colony an unknown weapon attacks the Enterprise. Kirk is forced to battle with hordes of Bugs and Spock is fatally wounded. Can Kirk stop the invasion and at what price?
The idea to do this FanEdit came while I was watching a Star Trek episode called “Arena”. In this episode Kirk fires a mortar and it struck me that it would be quite amusing if it was combined with the incredible rolling explosion from Starship Troopers.

After much thought I felt a complete Star Trek/Starship Troopers FanEdit would be impossible. Persevering, I went so far as to cut Starship Troopers to just the Bugs Shots and was surprised at how few usable ones there were.

The idea would not leave me alone, so I started to cut together some action scenes. They seemed to work, so I constructed a story around them, which I hope is amusing in itself. Also I hope this will be enjoyed for what it is and not taken at all seriously. I have edited with care so as not to reflect negatively upon the Original Classic Star Trek series, Paramount or Paul Verhoeven’s Starship Troopers.
Release Information:
Special Features:
Ver2.0 (PAL format dvd)
Editing Details:
Star Trek Footage

- Opening Titles from Series Two
- The Man Trap
- Shore Leave
- Arena
- Devil In The Dark
- The Changeling
- The Cloud Minders
- City On The Edge Of Forever
- Galileo Seven
- Metamorphosis
- Friday’s Child
- A Private Little War
- Who Mourns For Adonais?
- New End Credits with Season Two Music

Note: I used a few more episodes. Trek-Heads can have some fun spotting the shows.

Starship Troopers Footage

- Bug shots
Cover art by Mollo (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Trusted Reviewer reviews

2 reviews
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
This is a fantastic concept and an edit I have wanted to watch for a while, so I was glad to finally stumble across it. One of those ones I was starting to wonder might have been lost to the depths of time.

The visual quality isn't great but is perfectly watchable. Obviously this is quite an old edit and the source is SD.

Visual editing is mostly what exposes the cracks. There appear to be some framerate issues throughout and the dialogue is often out of sync (which may be related). One or two edits are visually abrupt.

Audio editing is largely very good. Sonically, the two worlds blend together quite well and it wasn't normally the audio that alerted me to a cut. There was one instance where an explosion from Troopers was significantly louder than everything else, but otherwise I thought it worked well.

I'm not an uber fan so I wasn't sure how many different episodes were used for this take, but it came across to me as fairly linear and I assumed sourced chiefly from one episode - turns out a LOT were used, so I'm impressed. There are a couple of scenes that feel a little off, or like they are dropping in a fragment of a Kirk character arc that goes unresolved, but for the most part, the events play out in a way that makes sense. I thought there were some interesting thematic parallels between Troopers and the Star Trek footage as well. The ending comes across a bit dark and out of character, but it probably harkens more to the vibe of Starship Troopers.

While I'm more of a purist and generally prefer original FX to the remastered stuff, I do agree with Bionic Bob that the redone CG effects would probably complement this edit, especially as we already have the CG footage from Starship Troopers. I'm half tempted to restore this edit in HD sometime and with the remastered footage, but the list is already long... who knows.

I enjoyed this a lot although I do think it could have been taken a bit further. This is 80% Star Trek and 20% Troopers, the latter mostly using repeated footage (as others have mentioned). But what's there works nicely and is satisfying to see paired together. The edit itself is presented on a DVD and features a few extras, which is a nice touch. I have to admit I didn't understand what the Space Nazis short was meant to be or what the context was, so that was rather lost on me.

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(Updated: September 15, 2012)
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Visual Editing
Review by bionicbob — October 2, 2010 @ 5:33 pm

Utterly Clever and Charming”

This edit has been on my “I really should watch this” list for years now.
And now I totally regret that I waited so long.

This was so FUN! An absolute joy to watch! I enjoyed every second of it.

I can only imagine the hours and hours and hours that went into this finding the footage to craft this all new narrative. This really must have been a work of love and passion.

If I was to nitpick (it’s what Trekkers do, eh?), I thought the closing “planet joke” came off as a little cold, cruel and out of character, but I totally understand why it was done and it works as a good closer.

And to chirp in on the original footage vs. remastered debate, if another version were ever made, I think using Remastered Clips would only enhance the viewing experience more. But that’s only my imo.

Definitely a good time and I recommend it to anyone who has not seen it and is a Trek fan.
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I haven't watched this for some time, and I can't find my copy anywhere, so this review is from memory only.

I'm a massive Star Trek TOS fan and so I was very excited to be able to get my hands on what is essentially a new episode!

Yes there are a few small bones I could pick (such as Hedford in the shuttle from Metamorphosis), but the editor did an exceptional job selecting and weaving together various visual and audio moments from the original series, and the plot really works. I especially liked the end-of-act when Kirk talks of destroying the planet, using footage from Operation: Annihilate in the lab, but with different dialogue.

I can't comment on the non-Trek footage as I haven't seen the original. Whilst it's clearly made in a different era, it does blend nicely. The planet from Trek's 'Arena' does resemble the non-Trek planet.

All-in-all, a lovely little edit. Yes, as others have said, I'd love to see a TOS-R version, but equally a new edit blending something else with TOS!

Please do more!
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(Updated: May 06, 2013)
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Visual Editing
I am a big fan of both the original Star Trek show and the Starship Troopers film, so when i saw there was a fanedit that crossed both over, i was weary of the mashing up of both. It's safe to say that this mix of both was surprisingly good and a refreshing idea.

There was a noticeable difference in quality both audio wise and visually between the ST: TOS footage and the Starship Troopers footage, since there was a 30 year difference. The editor also reused some of the footage from Starship Troopers in certain places, but i would expect that from a low budget show like Star Trek, so i was willing to go with it. The only real major problem i had was the Starship Troopers footage seemed to be squished, as if it weren't properly cropped. Maybe some re-editing would help with some of the rough edges.

I was also surprised the DVD came with a short film called "Nazi's In Space" with making of/outtakes and a trailer for Time Messerschmitt. The short was a interesting watch and a neat addition.

Since both Star Trek: The Original Series and the Starship Troopers trilogy are now on Blu-Ray, i would love the editor to come back or have another editor to redo this fanedit done in the style of the blu-ray releases of the original series, and be able to switch between the original effects and the enhanced effects. It would help smooth out some of my complaints.

If i had to recommend this edit, i would. Simply because its an interesting watch.

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Overall rating
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This was fun. It wasn't perfect, it was obviously edited. It was still fun. You should watch it.

It would be awesome if someone could revisit this with the new/remastered HD sources and a bit of modern technical sensibilities. I imagine that some of the more glaring visual issues could be easily remedied. (Those issues are completely forgivable for this edit, but knowing they could be fixed today makes me want to see it with them fixed, you know?)

The narrative is surprisingly coherent, the cuts make sense and work, by and large. Aside from cutting the two sources together, no real video editing was done. This isn't surprising as this edit is 5+ years old.

Honestly, great edit. Lots of fun. It is inspiring. It took me far too long to hunt down a copy, but it was worth the effort.


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(Updated: September 15, 2012)
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Review by Uncanny Antman — June 26, 2010 @ 5:24 am

I have three minor gripes. Repeated shots, costume/prop discontinuity, edge cropping.

And that’s all I’ll say for the negative, because none of that really matters. The edit is just flat-out fun, and you really just have to let go and enjoy it. I knew I would when Mollo used the one of my favorite little moments from TOS…Kirk’s sore back.

So what are you waiting for? Download and have a breezy half hour with the Trek episode you never knew existed. Don’t wait as long as I did.
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(Updated: September 15, 2012)
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Visual Editing
Review by blueyoda — July 1, 2010 @ 8:14 am

*This rating was given before reviews were required*
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