Thor: Odinson?

9.7 (2)
9.5 (6)
3520 1 3
Thor: Odinson?
Faneditor Name:
Original Movie/Show Title:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
110 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
114 minutes
Time Added:
4 minutes
Main aims:

#1 Reorder the narrative
#2 Reinstate several deleted scenes

#1 'Thor: Odinson?' is an attempt to maintain an air of mystery around Thor and leave the audience to question whether he truly is the son of Odin. In the original when Natalie Portman finds Thor in the desert she questions where he came from leading the viewer to immediately be shown Asgard in all its glory. This edit will delay that reveal until Lady Sif and the warriors three arrive on earth effectively switching the first and second act.

#2 There are some wonderful deleted scenes which add development to both Thor and Loki. I reinstated two deleted scenes in this edit.
Thor is a great character but I always found his debut a little lackluster. For me the real issue was the films structure. The choice to front load the movie with huge Asgardian set pieces meant the second act drags. My edit aims to resolve and create and air of mystery around Thor.
Special Thanks:
I'd like to offer a special thank you to following members of the community:

mnkykungfu and Canon Editor for watching the early workprints and providing me with feedback to improve the final edit
Zarius for providing me inspiration for the first poster concept
jrWHAG42 for watching my final draft and ultimately approving the edit
TM2YC for identifying an audio issue and providing guidance on how to address it
macmilln for producing a fantastic minimalist poster for the edit
Release Information:
Editing Details:
This edit was made using completely free software:
The NLE I used was Lightworks 14.5

Other programmes I used were:
Cuts and Additions:
Added Netflix dark banner
Added Malthus Fanedits banner
Cut Jane, Selvig Darcy finding Thor (2.43 -3.09)
Cut Prologue*
Cut five non earth scenes**
Reinstated deleted scene of Thor and Selvig getting drunk
Trimmed hangover/breakfast scene
Inserted prologue*
Reinstated deleted scene Loki and Thor pre coronation
Inserted five non earth scenes**
Show full hangover/breakfast scene
Third act plays out unedited
Added thanks at the end
Faneditor Name:
Original Movie/Show Title:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
110 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
114 minutes
Time Added:
4 minutes
Main aims:

#1 Reorder the narrative
#2 Reinstate several deleted scenes

#1 'Thor: Odinson?' is an attempt to maintain an air of mystery around Thor and leave the audience to question whether he truly is the son of Odin. In the original when Natalie Portman finds Thor in the desert she questions where he came from leading the viewer to immediately be shown Asgard in all its glory. This edit will delay that reveal until Lady Sif and the warriors three arrive on earth effectively switching the first and second act.

#2 There are some wonderful deleted scenes which add development to both Thor and Loki. I reinstated two deleted scenes in this edit.
Thor is a great character but I always found his debut a little lackluster. For me the real issue was the films structure. The choice to front load the movie with huge Asgardian set pieces meant the second act drags. My edit aims to resolve and create and air of mystery around Thor.
Special Thanks:
I'd like to offer a special thank you to following members of the community:

mnkykungfu and Canon Editor for watching the early workprints and providing me with feedback to improve the final edit
Zarius for providing me inspiration for the first poster concept
jrWHAG42 for watching my final draft and ultimately approving the edit
TM2YC for identifying an audio issue and providing guidance on how to address it
macmilln for producing a fantastic minimalist poster for the edit
Release Information:
Editing Details:
This edit was made using completely free software:
The NLE I used was Lightworks 14.5

Other programmes I used were:
Cuts and Additions:
Added Netflix dark banner
Added Malthus Fanedits banner
Cut Jane, Selvig Darcy finding Thor (2.43 -3.09)
Cut Prologue*
Cut five non earth scenes**
Reinstated deleted scene of Thor and Selvig getting drunk
Trimmed hangover/breakfast scene
Inserted prologue*
Reinstated deleted scene Loki and Thor pre coronation
Inserted five non earth scenes**
Show full hangover/breakfast scene
Third act plays out unedited
Added thanks at the end

Trusted Reviewer reviews

2 reviews
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I really loved the new narrative - the flip really suits the film and makes a lot of sense. I don't think anyone will actually doubt that Thor is who he says he is, especially since we see his image in the vortex and because, well, at this point we are familiar with the MCU.
Speaking of narrative, I deducted a point because I think the flashback is misplaced and that its current position hurts the narrative (and the enjoyment from the edit). I discussed my issues with Malthus (check the Forum Discussion for further details).
As I wrote elsewhere, there is a weird editing glitch at the 42:51 mark - both audio and video. I decided not to lower the rating because a full point seemed like too much, because the editing is really good otherwise, and because Malthus said that it'll be fixed.

All in all, a very interesting take on one of the weakest films of the MCU (imho), which definitely upgrades it - but still needs a tiny bit of fine-tuning to become my definitive go-to version.

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(Updated: July 02, 2020)
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The best Thor movie, period.
Pluses: The narrative shift works so well that I can't help but think there must've been some earlier draft of the script where this was intended as the real start. It lends a different nuance and context to all the scenes that come after, so that half the movie plays a bit differently, and better for it! For the most part, the edits were fantastic and seamless unless I nitpick about style.

Minuses: I will say that I tried to view the film as if I had never even seen a trailer for it... even still, I had little doubt that "Thor"/Donald was supernaturally heroic from the start. I just don't think it's possible to frame this as if there's much doubt about him for an audience. The restructuring is better anyway though, so really this is just a quibble over the title more than anything. I only mention it because it's listed as a central goal in the description. The other central goal is to add more depth to Thor and Loki, so I feel I should bring up two really important deleted scenes on the Deluxe DVD or BD that are not here. There is a deleted scene with Frigga chewing Odin out for banishing Thor, and one where Frigga awards Loki the crown, much to his surprise. Not only do these scenes make the Thor/Loki family drama even more relatable, they show that Loki honestly wasn't trying to get the crown at first. It also helps explain him sitting on the throne (instead of Frigga) so it doesn't come out of nowhere in the next scene. I don't want to criticize the film for what it isn't, but without those scenes, it feels like this isn't the best possible version of the film yet.

Honestly, this is already one of my favorite edits ever, though. I really liked the first Thor film as-is, but this just improves it in so many ways. It better fleshes out the characters and restructures the narrative to ease us in to god-world. It's an edit that honors what's already good in a film, and then builds on it. Well done.

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I've never been a big fan of the first two Thor movies, and though this doesn't really make it an amazing movie in my opinion, this is definitely a huge improvement. The simple restructure helps immensely with the narrative. The only part that slows down a lot is the middle section where it cuts over to the original beginning of the movie to explain how Thor got to where he is now. I don't really think you can cut much out of there but having a 30-40 minute section before getting back to Earth does slow down the movie.

I couldn't tell where the cuts and edits were until I looked them up. I would recommend this to anyone!
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This is my first review on this site and i am a big MCU fan so i maybe have some bias for this review, however i believe the first thor movie isnt one the greatest in the MCU, but this edit was hands down such an awesome experience bringing a new angle to this film, with the restructuring of the film it makes it into a really refreshing time, the editing felt seemless almost as if the movie was made to be like this. my only complaint i would have to say is maybe the flashback squence can be cut down a bit, and maybe integrate the present time with it more, instead of a long flash back, but the flashback was still enjoyable! Highly reccomend checking this fan edit out if you enjoy the MCU and want to look at this through a different aspect.

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Such an improvement on the original Thor, and a rarely visited era of films for MCU edits. It's such an obvious twist of the plot that it seems incredible not to have been the theatrical cut.

I do think that, compared to the somewhat on-the-nose plotting of the original, any editorial reformat would look good by comparison. I would be interested to show this to someone as their first viewing of Thor 2011 and see what their reaction/comprehension might be.

In any case, Malthus has executed this simple yet effective concept wonderfully. I look forward to seeing an HD version.

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From a technical standpoint, THOR ODINSON? looks and sounds great, but more impressively to me, the changes to the narrative flow work wonders in making the rather straight-forward original film (which I liked but didn't love) into something far more engaging. Putting the audience in the dark as much as the POV characters of Jane and crew adds a sense of immediacy that the original film lacked, and not bombarding the audience with the fantastical quite so early does a great job of reattaching the film to the greater MCU from the get-go, making it feel more like a naturaly outgrowth from the previous MCU films. A few constructive suggestions, should further revisions be made down the line.
1) I'd recommend a musical sting or mysterious beat to the brief shot of Heimdall spying on Earth prior to Asgard's first appearance, to give it a bit more heft.
2) The brief cutaway to Jane reading, used to help cover the transition to the Thor/Selvig reinstated drinking scene, is a bit too brief, to the point it almost feels like a miscut. Unless there is other footage to pad it out a tad, I'm not sure if there's a readily available solution.
3) The abrupt appearance of Lady Sif and the Warriors Three is a great way to bring the fantastical into the otherwise mundane tale we've seen so far -- very smart choice on your part-- but given it's newfound import, I'd suggest including a few more bits of the town's reaction to them (without spoiling actually seeing them) prior to their appearance at the window (the SHIELD agents, the child gawking, etc). A musical sting of some sort when we see them at the window would also help to make it seem like the big reveal it is now.
4)The first transition into the Asgard scenes cold use a bit more massaging, just to seem a bit more of a natural segue in the story. Maybe an dreamlike overlay of moments/shots of Odin with lines from the rest of the film overlapped in a storm-like cacaphony, with an emphasis on lines using "Odin" or "father" as the memories begin to resonate in Thor's mind?

My thanks to Malthus for all his hard work and for sharing it with us.

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Having watched Thor: Odinson?'s preview, I must say I was impressed.
Let me say this before: I only watched Thor once in my life, wasn't fond of it and never watched it again. I generally do not like MCU movies and did not remember most of the original going on.
I have to say, I rather enjoyed the movie this time around. The first time, I remember finding myself rather unvaried throughout. The restructuring really brings out the strengths of the movie. Thor isn't the only character to benefit, but Loki's dark side is shown later and this adds further depth to his persona.
One very small narrative hiccup I had while watching was the fact that it was Odin's voice narrating the Frost Giants' backstory. It feels a bit strange since at this point in the movie you have no idea whose that voice is, but once the flashback was over, I put the narration in context as Odin narrating the story to his children and this made it work, to my surprise. Besides, you couldn't do much with this anyways since you have no other footage and the backstory is necessary to understand the rest of the movie.
On a technical level, I noticed no hard cuts, which is a big point for the edit.
Overall, I'm still not too fond of the movie, but if I decide to revisit the movie again, I will watch your version as it most definitely adds some mystery and fun to the third act, as well as developing the characters in a much more enticing way.
Well done!

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