COPS Consecution

9.5 (4)
9.1 (2)
4328 1 3
COPS Consecution
Original Movie/Show Title:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
Various minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
132 minutes minutes
The seventh Consecution project DVD contains 9 short Fan Edits focusing on cops stories. Each short Fan Edit has been created by a different Fan Editor using various movies (except Neglify, who's done 2 shorts).
The fanedit community voted on what the theme for Consecution #7 would be. "Cops" won this time. After a sixth project -- Shut Up! Consecution -- that was very good but maybe a bit too "artsy," a simple theme like cops seemed welcome... But that's without knowing what's in the deranged mind of faneditors!

The rules were simple:

1. Create a short fanedit that runs 16 minutes max.
2. There has to be a plot.
3. This time there was a clear deadline.
4. Has to feature cops, obviously.

TMBTM (in charge of this project):
"Those consecutions are always interesting because of the mix of the ideas from various faneditors, some experienced and some new. I'm amazed that even with a simple theme like 'cops' we have such diversity this time again".

Additional Notes:

List of shorts:

- Lahey by Adabisi. (15:59).
A fanedit of the Trailer Park Boys, a Canadian comedy mockumentary television series.

- Fatal Weapon by The Man Behind The Mask. (13:04).
A fanedit of Lethal Weapon.

- The Naked Gun by matrixgrindhouse. (15:24).
A fanedit of The Naked Gun without most of the jokes (but still fun because of it).

- Police Stories by Neglify. (15:59).
Three vignettes about cops doing their jobs.

- A Day in the Life by Neglify. (13:15).
John C. Reilly's story line from Magnolia, minus Claudia. Oh and there's absolutely no resolution to this story. Happens sometimes.

- Gordon Year One by g1orkatsos. (14:54).
Gordon's story from the Batman's cartoon.

- The Counterfeit Cop Caper by DominicCobb. (16:05).
The Town, gritty black & white noir style.

- Supercop by Leeroy. (15:38).
Robocop as a 80s TV episode. Full of fun and surprises.

- The Equation of Crime by That One Guy. (12:28).
Trying to infiltrate the mind of a killer can be dangerous.

Special Thanks:
Thanks to The Man Behind The Mask for being the "show runner" for the third time.
Release Information:



The Naked Gun Short (Password: shirley)


Original Movie/Show Title:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
Various minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
132 minutes minutes
The seventh Consecution project DVD contains 9 short Fan Edits focusing on cops stories. Each short Fan Edit has been created by a different Fan Editor using various movies (except Neglify, who's done 2 shorts).
The fanedit community voted on what the theme for Consecution #7 would be. "Cops" won this time. After a sixth project -- Shut Up! Consecution -- that was very good but maybe a bit too "artsy," a simple theme like cops seemed welcome... But that's without knowing what's in the deranged mind of faneditors!

The rules were simple:

1. Create a short fanedit that runs 16 minutes max.
2. There has to be a plot.
3. This time there was a clear deadline.
4. Has to feature cops, obviously.

TMBTM (in charge of this project):
"Those consecutions are always interesting because of the mix of the ideas from various faneditors, some experienced and some new. I'm amazed that even with a simple theme like 'cops' we have such diversity this time again".

Additional Notes:

List of shorts:

- Lahey by Adabisi. (15:59).
A fanedit of the Trailer Park Boys, a Canadian comedy mockumentary television series.

- Fatal Weapon by The Man Behind The Mask. (13:04).
A fanedit of Lethal Weapon.

- The Naked Gun by matrixgrindhouse. (15:24).
A fanedit of The Naked Gun without most of the jokes (but still fun because of it).

- Police Stories by Neglify. (15:59).
Three vignettes about cops doing their jobs.

- A Day in the Life by Neglify. (13:15).
John C. Reilly's story line from Magnolia, minus Claudia. Oh and there's absolutely no resolution to this story. Happens sometimes.

- Gordon Year One by g1orkatsos. (14:54).
Gordon's story from the Batman's cartoon.

- The Counterfeit Cop Caper by DominicCobb. (16:05).
The Town, gritty black & white noir style.

- Supercop by Leeroy. (15:38).
Robocop as a 80s TV episode. Full of fun and surprises.

- The Equation of Crime by That One Guy. (12:28).
Trying to infiltrate the mind of a killer can be dangerous.

Special Thanks:
Thanks to The Man Behind The Mask for being the "show runner" for the third time.
Release Information:
Cover art by The Man Behind The Mask (DOWNLOAD HERE)



The Naked Gun Short (Password: shirley)


Trusted Reviewer reviews

4 reviews
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
(Updated: February 06, 2014)
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
A Day in the Life by Neglify (9.1/10)

Very well put together edit about my favorite John C. Reilly character. A solid short.

The end is troubling on a couple of different levels. On the level of what's going on, it hurts to see this happen to Jim. There's no resolution there. This is not a critique, however, that's just how that shit went down. The second level upon which this is troubling is a critique. Yes, there was only so much one could do with this story from the source. But, stylistically, it feels wrong to end so abruptly. It'd have been nice for a wind down. Maybe a snippet of "One Is the Lonliest Number" played over shots of the city, or something along those lines. Sorry, not trying to say how it should have been done, just saying it didn't feel right how it was done.

But I still loved this, great work.

The Element of Crime by That One Guy (8.6/10)

Well, very interesting short. Pi's a pretty crazy movie as is, so chopping it up and playing with the narrative, as the editor has done, makes it even crazier. It's kind of confusing at times, though I think that was probably intended. The decision to make this a silent is a cool one (and I appreciate the color tint). The use of title cards is skillful, though I think there might have been an over reliance, and I'm not sure completely bought the narrative. However, this is, nonetheless, great work.

Fatal Weapon by TMBTM (9/10)

Great short. I love me some Lethal Weapon so I thought this pretty cool. Though it's not exactly as fun as your typical Riggs adventure, that's not a fault because the editor was going for something more somber.

The ending is certainly clever, but I'm not sure it totally worked for me. Something didn't quite feel right, the flow wasn't quite there.

Still, a very good short.

Gordon: Year One by g1orkatsos 9.1/10

Very nice edit, highly enjoyable. Not much to say. Editing was pretty great. Narrative wasn't as great, though can't really blame the editor. Just a lot of things happening in a short amount of time. Doesn't matter, still really good.

Lahey by Adabisi (8.9/10)

Quite funny short. A nice change of pace from the other shorts. Story is fluid, good editing job, for sure. Very amusing.

The Naked Gun by matrixgrindhouse (7.6/10)

This is a tough one. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't easy to watch. I don't really blame the editor for this. He took up a thankless task, trying to make Naked Gun unfunny. The problem of course is that so much gets cut out that there is an abundance of jarring edits. Grindhousing it kind of disguised this, but it still didn't feel right.

The edit is fun though. There are some laughs to be had from how much certain scenes need to cut down to get rid of jokes. As well I enjoyed the noir treatment. Good work on a tough job.

Police Stories by Neglify (8.2/10)

Cool edit. Good fun. Editing is good, nice job condensing the stories. Problem lies with the narrative, or lack of it. I get that it's supposed to be extra short snippets of police work. But there's no coherence between them. Maybe if each showed a different part of the police process it would flow better. As well, while the short was supposed to be about police work in three different time periods, two of the are set in the early 70s. But I still very much enjoyed this.

Supercop by leery (8.9/10)

Very fun edit (nice considering my main issue with Robocop 2 is general lack of fun). Loved the intro especially and all of the cameos. The announcer maybe could have been better, though. There were also a few rough audio things here and there but nothing too bad. Narrative was a little wonky but I guess that's what happens when you condense like this. Overall, though, I really enjoyed this and would definitely watch some more Supercop adventures.

The Counterfeit Cop Caper by Me (not worth a score)

Yeah, this one's mine. In all seriousness, I'd actually like to take this opportunity to apologize for my edit. The picture quality is rather poor, due to a number of different things that I will all chalk up to me being a newbie and this being my first edit. I realized this right at the time for submission, and the only way I could have fixed it would have been starting from scratch. Maybe someday far in the future I'll do that, but it won't be soon. I put a good deal of time into this and I'm pretty proud of it, so I was and am very thankful that TMBTM decided to include it in this wonderful project. It's really a privilege to have my work amongst such talented individuals.

Great Consecution guys. I think I'll have to check out the older ones now. And I can't wait to see what we all come up with next.

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Gordon: Year One

Batman works surprisingly well from an outsider's perspective. Seeing things from a
normal Gothamite's perspective is neat. One good cop, surrounded by rampant
corruption. There's barely any Batman in this edit, actually. If his involvement
weren't so integral to the story, it may have worked better without his presence at
all. Still, we have a clear, concise story. It doesn't feel like anything is missing,
the editing is seamless. This is Jim Gordon's story, and it works very well.
Despite an environment of crime amidst crime fighters, and the increasingly odd face
of justice in the form of the Batman, there's still hope for good old fashioned
honest police work.



Fun! I'm not much of a fan of Robocop 2. To my surprise, I wound up enjoying it as
a condensed TV episode, much more than as a feature film. The use of multiple
sources, music, and sound effects really do a great job of capturing the feeling the
editor was going for. I would have liked to have heard the Animated Series’
narration in place of the custom one recorded for this edit, and maybe some bits and
pieces from the infamous edited for TV versions of the first film. Regardless, this
is an amusing and entertaining edit. I'd like to see more episodes in the future!
And indeed, that's what this edit's about. I think. Though technology changes, and
society changes along with it, some patterns will always be there. The pursuit of
law-breaking dangers to society, to serve, protect, and uphold - that won't change.
There will just probably be a lot more cyborgs.


The Counterfeit Cop Caper:

Catchy Jazz-heavy soundtrack really helps the pacing. I like the noir style
flashback/forward from the planning phase to the heist in action. There's some
noticeable compression artifacts throughout. Banding effects, mostly. Maybe that's
an issue with the source copy that the black and white brought attention to? Or maybe
something went wrong in conversion, compression, or rendering phases. It isn't the
worst, I can still see what's happening with a reasonably high amount of detail. But
it is distracting. I do like the story told here. Stripping away the rest of the
film, leaving just enough context to follow along... it's dizzying, separating the
genuine police from the imposters. A very scary, very real concept.


A Day In The Life:

I'm not sure what to make of this one. But maybe that's the point. A series of
seemingly unconnected events. That's realistic, I suppose. There's not always going
to be a big break in the case. The dangers faced may not be part of some greater
scheme, but simply random chance. We see the frustration that can come with the
badge - and some very human, very real emotion at the end.


Police Stories:

Interesting juxtaposition. Simple old fashioned examination and interrogation,
followed by futuristic technology. And yet, the heart and soul of the police work is
the same. Find out what happened, how it happened, who did it, attempt to apprehend
them. The third segment highlights the real old fashioned method. Deception,
intimidation, brutally extracting information. Bias, assumptions brought on by
prejudice. The barbarity that used to - and sadly, still can - pass for real


Fatal Weapon:

Buddy Cop story minus one buddy. Police work can take a toll, psychologically
speaking. Couple that with personal trauma, and the results can be tragic. Also there was that time he saw Supercop battling Robocop 2. That had to have contributed to his decline.


The Equation of Crime:

Awesome concept. The editor really changed the source material to fit the new
subject matter, and pulled it off convincingly. There's some odd visual anomalies
here and there, but they don't detract from the viewing experience. Good music. At
first, I thought this might have been something along the lines of Minority Report or
Radar Secret Service - exploring the potential impact of new technology on the
science of criminal investigation. Instead, it's about the lengths one might go to
prove their innocence - or hide their guilt, perhaps. Great stuff.



A washed up, washed out, disgraced ex-cop tries to relive his glory days, clean up
his streets, and take back his life. Things don't go according to plan. I had a few
good chuckles here and there. Nice job in mashing together a bunch of episodes. It
really felt like it was always meant to be one work.


All in all, this is a great Consecution. Not at all what I was expecting. Very clever, very artistic ideas throughout. I was happy to have been a part of it, albeit in a very small way. Looking forward to the next one!

9/10 Overall

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Consecutions are always a lot of fun and this one is no different. I love seeing the crazy ideas that everyone comes up with. Lots of variety and lots of quality shorts. Highly recommended.

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I think I’ve said this for the last couple Consecutions, but seriously folks. This is the best Consecution we’ve had here since Batman.

Gordon Year One by g1orkatsos – 9/10
A damn fine short, I loved how the narrative was condensed.

The Equation of Crime by That One Guy – 8/10
Well this was pretty trippy. Great editing work overall. The text cards worked with the narrative and had a nice stylistic flair to them, but for me I didn’t like having to read the story.

SuperCop by Leeroy – 8/10
I was pretty surprised how good this was. The last Leeroy edit I saw was The Killer Bride and he’s come quite a long way. This was an awesome ride! There were quite a few literal laugh out loud moments. And bravo for the editing in the shoot-out. The audio editing was a bit sloppy though. Step up your game on that and you’ll be on fire.

Fatal Weapon by The Man Behind the Mask – 8/10
Overall ‘twas good times. The ending felt tacked on but it made sense. I liked it but I don’t know, I guess I just wanted more.

Lahey by Adabisi – 9/10
Great fawking short here boys. I mean Jesus fawk if I t'weren’ta a guy who watches the… you know… the original show… Uh… what was I saying? Oh cripes, my shit pool overflowed.

The Naked Gun by matrixgrindhouse – 6/10
I’m sad to say it, this was the stinker for me. I was intrigued by the concept and wasn’t sure how well it would work out. So yeah… turning Naked Gun into a serious story don’t work. There’s so much that’s cut that every cut is noticeable. The editor tried to cover that up with a sort of grindhouse treatment that felt awkward. I hate slamming fan edits and I loved MGH’s first edit and think he’s brilliant. This felt like a Frankenstein. Maybe it’ll be good for you, kind of in a midnite movie way.

The Counterfeit Cop Caper by DominicCobb – 10/10
Holy carp. This was perfect. Beautifully done black & white. Awesome music. Perfect editing. I would say I’m jealous that I didn’t make this, but the truth is I’m glad I never made this. Dom did it so much better. This is the best of all the shorts in this project.

Recommended drink: Brutal Hammer (red wine & vodka)

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User reviews

2 reviews
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Audio/Video Quality 10
Visual Editing 10
Audio Editing 9
Narrative 8
Enjoyment 9

I don't think the rating means much on such a large composition of shorts. I'll try to keep each individual review brief.

Gordon Year One: Intense. I've never seen the original, but the audio seemed to be perfectly mixed in this short. The story seemed to be very complete as well. The ending was very intense. I think it's interesting how batman was mixed in... it left me wondering if the nameless hero was just batman without his suite on or some other dude. Mysterious for sure. Excellent video quality as well.

Super Cop: I liked the in-video commercials and the ending advertisements, it felt like it was truly prepared to be aired on TV. I felt like the news-team bit should have came just before the hospital scene instead of at the beginning - although it made for a very complete and unique intro to the short. The story also felt complete.

The Counterfeit Cop Caper: Super short non-stop action sequence with awesome music selections to amplify the intensity of the action! This has a alcohol prohibition feel to it from the mentions of stealing the money from beer and hot-dog sales, and because it's in black and white. :-) Definitely a MAN's short!

A Day in the Life: This short is the ultimate bad day for an officer. You've got your typical mid-30s guy trying to make a living by being the mass'es Shepard's Dog while the Shepard has left... for a really, really long time. This short has soul and I think it's one of the better ones. I really got into it, watched the rap scene twice.

Fatal Weapon: A strong man slowly drowning in depression and loneliness. I wasn't expecting his death though, that totally caught me by surprise. This makes the story more realistic to me. Very good video/audio quality and cut selections. A strong edit, but a very sad story.

Lahey: This story also felt very complete, so the editor made some good scene selections. The audio is also Seamless - just perfect and probably the strongest thing in this short. The first bit seems like a video-biography but it seems to be okay for this story. The video quality was also top-notch.

Police Stories: This one was a bit odd at first... I was left wanting more of the first story, but then I got what was happening. This is a perfect comparison of how cops were before vs. after. Before, detectives did investigations after someone was killed. After, detectives did investigations before someone was killed. Then the third in-show story started and it didn't really seem to fit. I think it probably could have been left out - and I didn't really get what was going on with it. The video quality was outstanding throughout.

The Equation of Crime: WOW! This one stole the show! I really got into this one! Osborne is Kennedy's "Killer" (so they say) and this short utilized the mystery surrounding that. The story felt complete also, but the ending made me cringe. I don't know if the video quality is good or not, never seen the original. Although the audio seemed to be perfect.

The Naked Gun: Old school cat and mouse investigation, where the mouse tries to catch the cat. The audio distortion helped cover up spots that didn't fit obviously, and did so in a way that was perfect for this short. The artifacts were very realistic. The story seemed to be complete to me, although there was a whole lot of snooping, and more snooping for clues. Classical cop story.

The entire collection was very enjoyable and overall very professional - not too many seams to be found anywhere really.

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Overall rating
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Visual Editing
Lahey by Adabisi 8.6/10
- I love comedy shows and I've heard of Trailer Park Boys through word of mouth but I've never actually watched any of it, so I had no idea what to expect going into this.
- Pretty funny, and pretty much invisible editing
- Excellent work

Fatal Weapon by TMBTM 8.8/10
- Wasn't sure what to expect going into this one. But I loved TMBTM's previous short, “Iron Blood”.
This was very well done. The ending was cool (IMO, two interpretations 1) it's a flashback 2) he's in heaven).

The Naked Gun by matrixgrindhouse 6.4/10
- I could have done with out the excessive grain and lines and scratches etc., but it wasn't too distracting, just my opinion
- I realize this edit must have been tricky since the editor had to cut out the comedy and jokes but some of the dialogue felt a little abrupt – like because it had to be cut together, it didn't have natural pauses, it felt a bit too quick, if that makes any sense. The audio editing other than that was fine, nothing jarring other than what was mentioned. Also, I guess it fits the style of what matrixgrindhouse was going for but at the same time giving it the old-feel effects to the video and audio to patch over most of the cuts seemed kind of lazy for lack of a better word. No offense intended to matrixgrindhouse but I think using the grindhouse effects a bit more sparingly would have been better (“a little goes a long way” as they say)
- This was a really ambitious idea but it didn't really work for me, a non-grindhoused version with more straight forward editing might have been more appealing to me (I can't speak for anyone else).

Police Stories by Neglify 8.6/10
- Training Day was one of my favorite movies, so I liked that it was used as an introduction
- Zodiac: It's been a long time since I've seen Zodiac (but I remember liking it). I enjoyed this one. It lacked action which isn't a bad thing, just two detectives investigating. It felt like it could have been a scene from an episode of a TV show.
- Minority Report: This was another good short. Right to the point, and a story with a resolution.
- The French Connection: Another movie that I love. “Have you been picking your feet in Poughkeepsie?” This short was my least favorite of the three.
- Nice choice of song for the end credits

A Day in the Life by Neglify 8.5/10
- I love Magnolia, Tom Cruise's best acting performance IMO. When I saw that Neglify was going to do a short with John C. Reilly's character, it sounded like a damn fine idea. Like the funny/sad sequence where he talks as if he is on a COPS reality show.
- Although there is no real resolution, the ending was still good

Gordon Year One by g1orkatsos 9.4/10
- Excellent introduction and opening credits
- Great narrative and good choice for the ending
- Editing was pretty much invisible to me
- Nice work g1or!

The Counterfeit Cop Caper by DominicCobb 8.7/10
- Nice music choices, gave it a 70s feel
- If I'm nitpicking the sound levels could be adjusted just a bit as far as music vs. dialogue, but it wasn't jarring or anything but occasionally the dialogue was hard to hear, I guess it was necessary to hide center track spillage as far as the original music
- Some pixellation/artifacts (no idea if this is due to the full DVD encoding, or the fanedit short itself, or maybe the conversion to black&white?) throughout the edit
- I rewatched the the scenes in The Town that were used in this edit. Very nice editing with regards to intercutting of the scenes discussing the job and the heist itself
- Was that song near the end from Le Samourai?
- Narrative-wise this was excellent, nicely done

Supercop by leeroy 8.5/10
- Interesting touch with having Anchorman News Intro on the TV (works good with “turn that shit off”)
- I noticed you also mixed in some scenes from other movies
- Cool opening credits sequence (although the voice over was amateurish but I guess cheesiness works with this edit!) and I can't fault leeroy, not everyone is ThrowgnCpr and hires a professional voice over actor!
- lol at the last actor credited (I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen the edit)
- at times it seemed like the audio transitions could have been smoothed out a bit
- lol at the coca-cola commercial, clever
- Overall this was a fun edit

The Equation of Crime by That One Guy 8.5/10
- Interesting introduction to lay the ground work (and nice to have scenes accompanying the text)
cool song as well
- Video quality was fine save for a few random times where it seemed like a flash of red came on the upper quarter of the screen for a frame or two *This was a result of the encoding of the DVD and not the fault of the editor*
- Music choices were great and IMO conveyed the meaning and feeling of the scenes
- Overall I enjoyed this short. Very “outside the box” and clever idea to use a movie about a man obsessed with numbers/solving an equation and change it into a man obsessed with solving a crime.

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