5 results - showing 1 - 5
Night of the Raven
FanMix August 21, 2012 1834 2 0
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Fanedit Running Time:
32 minutes
Cut away A LOT of stuff. Doing so, I accidentally created something that could actually be called an arthouse movie I guess.
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0.0 (0)
Walking Tall: The Action Edit
FanFix August 15, 2012 1950 2 0
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Fanedit Running Time:
69 minutes
The remake of Walking Tall is a bad movie with good action scenes. But what? How can an action movie be bad if it has good action? By adding in the most unbelievable romance ever, and spending too much time away from the action itself. The actors in this film aren’t that good, except when they’re fighting for their lives, which is an aspect in the original that’s greatly underused. I decided to cut out out the useless dialogue scenes and the love story entirely.
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9.9 (2)
Jarhead: The Messenjah Cut
FanFix August 08, 2012 2759 2 0
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Fanedit Running Time:
89 minutes
This transforms JARHEAD into a more traditional movie form. The climax is particularly more climatic in this version.
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6.5 (2)
Hard Candy Re-Arranged
FanFix August 07, 2012 2475 2 0
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Fanedit Running Time:
100 minutes
To make Hayley appear a cold, calculative “murderer” of sorts. Now that we see the first meeting hand-in-hand with the happenings in Jeff’s house, we see how planned she must have been with her execution as far as the plan goes. Also, it’s rather interesting to view it with this contrast.
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6.3 (3)
FanMix June 28, 2012 2429 2 0
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Fanedit Running Time:
74 minutes
Cutting away everything that doesn’t feature Max, and make the ending way sadder.
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8.4 (5)
5 results - showing 1 - 5