15 results - showing 1 - 15
FanMix Updated April 27, 2024 3521 1 14
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Fanedit Running Time:
277 minutes
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I have tried to recreate the Superman Epic as it was originally conceived by Richard Donner, following the shooting script whenever possible and before the movie was cut in half. This is Superman I and II as a complete motion picture.
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9.4 (7)
FanFix Updated January 29, 2024 2315 1 1
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Fanedit Running Time:
101 minutes
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A guy named Guy and his buddy Buddy argue about Guy's dream girl until she mysteriously appears to be real. Could this be the moment Guy's been waiting for his whole life? Or could there be some dark secret held by this mysterious girl?
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9.6 (4)
FanFix Updated July 07, 2022 976 1 1
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Fanedit Running Time:
110 minutes
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More grit, Less 80s humor, some scoring tweaks and more credible.
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7.8 (1)
Movie-to-TV Updated October 15, 2023 2047 1 4
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Fanedit Running Time:
490 minutes
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The full story of Katniss Everdeen but told in the mini-series format which contains many surprises, deleted scenes and new music and score by many different artists.

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9.2 (2)
FanFix Updated June 27, 2022 2519 1 3
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Fanedit Running Time:
138 minutes
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The longer 1996 cut of the 1971 Disney classic with the worst instances of redubbed dialogue removed, a little less "With a Flair" and a lot more translation.
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9.3 (3)
FanMix Updated March 17, 2024 3119 1 5
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Fanedit Running Time:
111 minutes
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A less serious retelling of John Rambo's story. Rambo himself is a narrator who tells us story of his life in Forrest Gump fashion - the main narrative is the story from "First Blood" while second and third movie (along with some more additional material) become flashbacks of his earlier adventures. Everything is tied with John's quest to find and face three mysterious bears colonel Trautman told him about. Or maybe he took it a little bit too literally? Sex, guns and Rock'n'Roll along the way, not exactly John Rambo you were familiar with.
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9.2 (4)
9.5 (18)
TV-to-Movie Updated April 27, 2024 1662 1 0
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Fanedit Running Time:
114 minutes
Subtitles Available:
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A streamlined and fast-paced narrative, in the structural and musical spirit of either the Lord of the Rings franchise or the original, epic score. Season 3 in 3 hours and 4 minutes - either with Howard Shore or the original Game of Thrones score.
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10.0 (1)
Extended Edition Updated November 12, 2022 1958 3 1
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Fanedit Running Time:
116 minutes
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The main source for this edit is the Director's Cut blu-ray, with all unique footage of the Theatrical Cut put back in, while also retaining the small amount of unique DC footage. The HD DC footage looks fantastic but the SD TC footage looks extremely poor, however, I've attempted to grade it to match and added film grain to try and make it look a bit more like terrible 16mm or 8mm footage, rather than terrible videotape. Not wanting to crop the already blurry TC footage any further, I've elected to letterbox the DC footage to match the 1.66:1 ratio of the TC. The difference is still obvious though.
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0.0 (0)
FanFix Updated September 07, 2023 2153 1 6
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Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
97 minutes
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In a funkadelic future Los Angeles, a jaded ex-cop hunts down three androids designed to look human, and he isn’t too concerned about killing a human by “mistake.” Whoopsie.
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9.1 (6)
Shorts Updated March 05, 2024 2254 1 0
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Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
21 minutes
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A short edit comprised almost entirely from scenes and deleted scenes on Naboo. This is intended as a companion piece to my Attack of the Clones No Naboo Cut.

The Narrative differes from AOTC in that the story takes place after the Clone Wars have begun and Anakin and Padme have already fallen in love. Apart from a short scene at the start it all takes place on Naboo.
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9.7 (3)
FanFix Updated May 16, 2024 2086 1 1
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Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
138 minutes
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The trip to Naboo has been cut and instead Anakin and Padme go straight to Tattoine after leaving Corouscant. In the Jedi council scene Mace Windu now does not tell Anakin to take Padme to Naboo instead Yoda tells him to hide out on Tatooine with Padme.

From Padme packing her bags until the Funeral of Anakin's Mom almost all scenes have been rearranged.

Obi Wan's investigation into Kamino and who created the clone army has him doing more detective work, gathering more clues and now has a satisfying conclusion to the Sifo Dyas mystery.

Various cuts and trims to Anakins dialogue to create a stronger character and beter romantic arc with Padme.

Scenes cut:
Anakin and Padme traveling to Naboo as refugees.
All the Naboo scenes (with the exception of the Fireside Conversation scene which now will take place on the Lars Moisture farm on Tatooine. The scene now comes in between Anakin returning with the dead body of his mother and her funeral).

Added deleted scenes:
Padme in the Senate.
Obi Wan and Mace Windu on the landing platform as Obi Wan is leaving for Kamino.
Obi Wan with Analysis droids (This scene now takes place on Kamino after he talks to Jango Fett. The Droid dialogue will be replaced so that when they analyze the Dart they discover the toxic poison comes from the Moons of Bogden.)
Anakin and Padme speak with Dooku on Geonosis.
Anakin and Padme are sentenced to death by Poggle on Geonosis.
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9.0 (5)
FanFix Updated June 02, 2022 2329 1 3
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Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
124 minutes
Subtitles Available:
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This is a leaner version of Black Widow that adds back in multiple deleted scenes
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0.0 (0)
FanFix Updated August 10, 2022 1818 1 3
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Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
149 minutes
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I've always loved the Harry Potter books, but the movies have been pretty hit or miss for me. I completely love what they have made, but there are many scenes of poor acting, or bad character choices that are completely fixable.

My main goals overall:
- Create light edits that don't try to reimagine or create anything new, but rather just enhance the original movies
- Remove small annoyances and some poor performances (Harry shushing Ron, Barty Crouch Jr tongue flicks, dumbing down Hagrid, etc)
- Retain as much world building as possible (Clock in the Weasley's home, monster roar at housekeeping in PoA, etc)
- Keep the original music to their own movies, except for a few rare occasions
- Tighten up action wherever I could

Goals for Deathly Hallows p1:
- Incorporate a select few deleted scenes
- Fix bad writing and acting wherever possible
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9.8 (2)
FanFix Updated June 07, 2024 4578 1 10
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Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
120 minutes
Available in HD:
Two main goals here, beyond just the general nips and tucks. ONE - Give the film more of an OT vibe with color correction, film grain, and new music throughout. TWO - Improve Anakin’s story. I find his fall to the dark side in the theatrical film to be rather sudden and unconvincing. So here my job was to sort of smooth out the kinks - trying to make Anakin more sure of himself and his allegiance to Palpatine before the turn, and then somewhat softening his words and actions after the turn. There’s a lot of subtle little changes and tweaks that went into this all across the film, but I do feel like the sum is that his story in this version is more believable.
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9.8 (3)
9.8 (14)
FanFix Updated June 05, 2024 5905 1 11
Faneditor Name:
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Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
128 minutes
Subtitles Available:
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This is a "Rey Nobody" edit, removing her link to Palpatine. The other major change is that Leia dies toward the beginning of the film, removing her from the plot.

The core idea is to strengthen the ties to The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi to give a clear character arc to both Rey and Kylo Ren.

I also removed some unnecessary jokes and tidied up some action beats. The goal is to create a fun, engaging movie that satisfies as an ending to these character's stories.
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8.9 (4)
9.4 (21)
15 results - showing 1 - 15