Silver Screen Samurai

One Last Game
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"One word... superb. While still having preference for this series in the form of a trilogy, simply because it means we get a fuller and more detailed story for each character, if this had been its original form as a short it would be a fantastic and..."
Spider-Man 3: Redemption by Badscooter - Remastered
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"Heavens above, I cannot stress enough how much of a technical upgrade this is from Badscooter's original edit. And I'm not simply referring to the resolutions of video and audio either, although it's needless to say that it's a vast improvement going from highly-compressed SD to AVCHD. ..."
Spider-Man 3.1: The Hybrid Cut
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"I want to make this clear upfront. This review is NOT a reflection on Bobson's work or skill. The goal with this edit wasn't necessarily to create a good movie, so much as it was to create the longest possible cut of Spider-Man 3 without any scenes removed; akin to..."
Amazing Spider-Man 2: The Untold Finale Edition, The
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"EDIT: I want to go back and say my feelings have since evolved on this edit, and now consider it probably the best version of ASM2 that can exist. I think my initial feelings at the time were informed by a sense of not having the fate of Peter's dad..."
Amazing Spider-Man: Extended Edition, The
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"NOTE: This review will cover both Masirimso’s original “Extended Edition” as well as the updated “Untold Extended Edition.” Since the latter is identical to the original, apart from the addition of the Roosevelt subplot, I will be putting this identical review on both cuts (so that everyone is on the..."
Amazing Spider-Man, The: The Untold Extended Edition
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"NOTE: This review will cover both Masirimso’s original “Extended Edition” as well as the updated “Untold Extended Edition.” Since the latter is identical to the original, apart from the addition of the Roosevelt subplot, I will be putting this identical review on both cuts (so that everyone is on the..."
The Infinity War
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"I don't fault this editor's intention, by any means. I just find this edit misunderstands the structure of the film, focussing too much on the plot and too little on the characters in that plot. The editor stated his intention was to make the film serious THROUGHOUT, rather..."
Saga Of The Apes
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"Bionic Bob has taken the two best sequels, which had great ideas executed poorly, and has made them a meaningful expansion of the original. For this review, I'm going to break down each Volume SEPARATELY , since they're essentially separate films. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOL. 1 is framed around Escape..."
Thor - The Dark World: Hard Forged Edition
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"Oh... my... god... Never has a film been so legitimately improved by a fanedit until now. This edit is beyond what I've come to expect from faneditors, legitimately going out on a limb to understand the intent of the filmmakers completely rather than going out on a limb to..."
Hobbit: The Spence Edit, The
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"A better title for this would be "The Peter Jackson Director's Cut." I've always felt a sympathy for Mr. Jackson, seeing as Guillermo Del Toro was given the privilege of three years to plan two films but him leaving the project screwed him over creatively. Jackson wanted the spent..."
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi: Legendary
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"The Last Jedi's Thematic expansion on the entire saga up to this point is incredible, and those who complain that it's "not in line with George's vision" are fooling themselves. The problem is, this theme of the past dying so the new can take hold isn't exactly noticed when there's..."
X-Men: The Last Stand - Just About Jeanless
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"This editor has done a commendable job of focussing the different narrative arcs. They feel genuinely less disjointed, as each one is given more screentime before cutting to another one in this edit, rather than spending like a minute at a time on one storyline then cutting to another like..."
Incredible Hulk- Tomahawk Extended Edition, The
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"The essential aspect of Norton's screenplay wasn't that it was moving from one action set-piece to another, or one Hulk-out to the next; it was that it built up to each Hulk-out. Tomahawk clearly understands this. By having a greater amount of screentime dedicated to each location, It really..."
Spider-Man 3: Redemption by Badscooter
Reviewed by Silver Screen Samurai
"Sam Raimi is a filmmaker who has my deepest empathy, as his great films show true passion and potential. This makes it all the worse when his bad films have constantly been ruined by studio interference, when being given creative control would have made them great. Thanks to Badscooter,..."