
Looper: Extended by Wraith
Reviewed by SloanStrife
"This is an excellent Extended Edition of Looper. I enjoyed the new intro, it was very artistic! With previous edits some of the added scenes were more obvious, where this edit is really smooth. I think the only edit I noticed was the added scenes in the Diner when the..."
TDKR: The Consequences Edit
Reviewed by SloanStrife
"This is a great Dark Knight Rises Edit! I was never a huge fan of the third Nolan Batman film, and this edit definitely tightens it up and makes the narrative cleaner. If I had any nitpicks, it would be that I don't like on screen text in general in..."
Dark Knight Ascends, The
Reviewed by SloanStrife
"I think this is an excellent edit of an otherwise 'okay' movie. I never loved the third Nolan Batman movie, and this edit goes a long way to fix most of the issues I had with it. The extended time until the bomb goes off helps give more time for..."
M4's The Hobbit Book Edit
Reviewed by SloanStrife
"This was my first foray into Fan Edits in general, and I'm glad it was such an excellent one to better compare with others. I think the narrative choices and colour corrections were great! It seemed like an impossible task removing the White Council, but it doesn't feel too odd..."
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi: Rekindled
Reviewed by SloanStrife
"I really liked this edit! The Last Jedi didn't sit well for me after watching it in the theater, sapping much of my Star Wars enthusiasm (The Mandalorian helped bring some of that back). I appreciated that Ryan Johnson was trying to do something different, but without an overall plan..."