
Godzilla VS Kong: The Kongdensed Edition
Reviewed by almightycutie
"Pretty seamless edit on this movie. I'm so glad the MBB character was removed (except for a small cameo at the beginning). The movie is still dumb, but now it's just dumb fun the whole time. If you are watching through the monsterverse and don't want to be bogged down..."
Shang-Chi: Legacy of the Rings
Reviewed by almightycutie
"Fantastic edit by Tremault. I liked the original, but definitely felt it needed to be a little more cohesive. BIggest positives from this edit is majorly toning down Katy and Trevor, and a more focused final battle. Katy is a lot more bearable when she isn't in the spotlight..."
Plumbing is Our Game
Reviewed by almightycutie
"I have nothing bad to say about the edit. I watched the version with the donkey kong song in rather than the official score as I personally thought it fit better, but I love that DonkeyKonga gave multiple versions to please everyone. There are a couple minor changes like removing..."
Amazing Spider-Man: Part 2, The
Reviewed by almightycutie
"This is a huge step up in quality from part 1. It's really impressive how much work was put into this, especially with the rescoring! It felt like almost every scene was rescored. Biggest positives of this movie for me are more focus on Harry and less..."
Amazing Spider-Man: Part 1, The
Reviewed by almightycutie
"Starting with the positives - Peter is much more likeable here. There are some excellent choices like cutting Peter's skateboarding montage, trimming him being extra mean while beating up the car thief, and cutting the revenge plotline. For most of this movie I could tell where small things were edited..."
Captain Marvel: Where's the Love
Reviewed by almightycutie
"Finally getting around to reviewing this. I caught an early version a while back and this has been immensely improved with the audio quality. I really disliked this movie the first time I watched it and I left it out whenever I wanted to watch Marvel movies again. Tremault did..."
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Ghost in the Machine
Reviewed by almightycutie
"I was really hoping for a slightly trimmed version of this movie. Bobson cut most of the humor that didn't land well or that went on for far too long, they really went overboard with some of it. This movie is so much better with these minor trims. ..."
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Reviewed by almightycutie
"Bobson has taken one of my favorite Spider-Man movies and made it even better. Mainly small changes throughout just tightened up some of the humor that didn't land. I really liked the inclusion of the Elfman Spiderman theme. Fantastic work!"
Ant-Man: The Pym Particle Partition
Reviewed by almightycutie
"I really like the focus of this edit, which lets you learn about Hank, Cross and all the tech through Scott's experiences rather than flashbacks and other scenes. It feels like a more natural way of storytelling with the only story drawback being that Cross is pretty sidelined and more..."
Thor - The Dark World: Hard Forged Edition
Reviewed by almightycutie
"The original is one of my least favorite Marvel movies. I enjoyed it a lot more this time around but even with the edit I still couldn't love it. Taking out the Sif love triangle stuff was great. I hate how cliche Jane is though, I personally can't stand her...."
Captain America and the Red Skull
Reviewed by almightycutie
"So much better than the original. I remember being so bored when I watched it, but this edit kept me entertained the whole movie. I couldn't tell where any edits were. I think the biggest improvements were around Bucky's death scene being more impactful, and overall the movie being shorter..."
Thor: Odinson?
Reviewed by almightycutie
"I've never been a big fan of the first two Thor movies, and though this doesn't really make it an amazing movie in my opinion, this is definitely a huge improvement. The simple restructure helps immensely with the narrative. The only part that slows down a lot is the middle..."
Iron Man 2: At the Core of It
Reviewed by almightycutie
"Massive improvement over the original! Keeping the focus on the main issue of Tony and his heart really helps this movie. I really dislike the abundant marvel-humor and this cuts it down just right. The deleted scenes could use some color correction as it was pretty easy to spot, but..."
Hulk: Struggle For Control
Reviewed by almightycutie
"I really like what has been cut, especially the heart monitor, though I do think a bit more could be cut down. The pacing is better than the original even though it's a bit longer. Most of the added deleted scenes were great and fleshed out the characters more. The..."
Eternals: The Apostasy Edit
Reviewed by almightycutie
"Short review - Great edit of a not so great movie. I still don't completely enjoy the movie, but it's far better than the original. The narrative is really improved here, and just overall a better experience. I'm not sure if it's because I downloaded the lower..."
Batman: Year Two (Miniseries), The
Reviewed by almightycutie
"There were very few things I didn't like about the Batman, and the biggest thing was the length. Watching in smaller chunks was so much more enjoyable. This movie works perfectly as a miniseries, and Don Kamillo pulls it off exceptionally well. I watched an episode a night and was..."
Hunger Games: Mini-Series, The
Reviewed by almightycutie
"The quality and editing were great. This felt a lot like a real miniseries with pretty good intros and cliffhangers, and many of the added songs were a nice touch. The first few episodes and the last ones were fantastic, with the middle ones more hit and miss for me...."
Tron: Perfection
Reviewed by almightycutie
"I can't believe how much I liked this edit. I was bored to death on the original movie, but this breathed new life into it. Editing is top notch! Cutting out most of the exposition, all the one liners, and speeding up the pacing has completely transformed this movie. I'm..."
Valerian: No Love Lost Edition
Reviewed by almightycutie
"Overall Malthus' edit is far superior to the original, but I don't think there is any way of saving this film for me. Even without the horrible love plot the writing in this movie is still pretty bad, and the acting of the each lead just takes me out of..."
Spider-Man: Farther From Home
Reviewed by almightycutie
"Really great extended version! We didn't need all the extra scenes, these were the best to add. Only time I noticed an edit was at the very end with the Tony's Glasses scene inserted. I think maybe I noticed the colors, or maybe I was just looking for there to..."